Creation and Science - BookletCreation and Science - Booklet![]() Who created the Universe? Is a creator even necessary? Can science explain how the Universe came into being without reference to a creator God? This booklet explores these ideas and the arguments that have been brought into sharp focus by Stephen Hawking’s claim that his cosmological model ‘left nothing for a creator to do’. Dr Carroll examines the Church’s teaching on creation from Augustine and Aquinas to the present and explains why, without a creator God, science itself would not exist. |
Church Teaching, Apologetics, Booklets |
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Father Damien - BookletFather Damien - Booklet![]() At age 33, Fr. Damien de Veuster left his mission parish to work among the lepers of the island of Molokai Hawaii. After many years of service to those in dire need, he died there of leprosy at the young age of 49. Like Christ himself, he became rejected for the rejected, a leper for the lepers: something rare in a world that wants to eliminate suffering. The author has updated and revised the text in light of Damien’s canonization by Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI in 2009. |
Booklets, SALE!, Saints, Corporal Works of Mercy |
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Galileo: Science and Faith - BookletGalileo: Science and Faith - Booklet![]() Is the Church against Science and Reason? The Galileo controversy has become a paragon of faith’s supposed hostility towards science. Galileo believed that the earth rotated around the sun but did not have sufficient evidence to prove it. The Inquisition believed that unless such evidence existed the sun should continue to be considered to rotate around the earth. This booklet explains the facts of the Galileo case and traces the subsequent development of the myth that the Catholic Church has always been the enemy of science. This history proves that even in the Galileo case, the Church remained true to its belief that faith and reason belong together. |
Apologetics, Evangelization, Booklets |
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How to Discover Your Vocation - BookletHow to Discover Your Vocation - Booklet![]() This booklet will help you to think and pray about your vocation and become clearer about where God is leading you. It answers many of the practical questions you may be asking: What are the different Christian vocations? How does God guide us and speak to us? How can I be more open to my vocation, and come to a decision? It explains the Christian vocations of marriage, priesthood, consecrated life, the permanent diaconate and the single life and how you can know whether God might be calling you to one of them. |
Personal Growth, Booklets |
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Is Jesus Really Present in the Eucharist? - BookletIs Jesus Really Present in the Eucharist? - Booklet![]() Statistics are reporting that over 70% of Catholics polled in America do not believe in the Real Presence of the Lord Jesus in the Eucharist — a verifiable crisis of faith. Using key sources from scripture and tradition, Bishop Michael Evans explains how Jesus is present today when we celebrate the Mass. This highly readable and accessible text is a must read for all Catholics seeking the proper answer to this dire question. |
Church Teaching, Apologetics, Evangelization, Sacraments, Booklets, Eucharist |
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Lent with the Saints - BookletLent with the Saints - Booklet![]() Meditations and The forty days of Lent provide Christians, and those preparing for baptism, with an intense period of preparation for the ‘Feast of all Feasts’, Easter, the ‘Passover of the Lord’. This collection of sayings and meditations dwells on the central Lenten themes of prayer, conversion, repentance, fasting, almsgiving and self-denial, as lived from apostolic times until the present day. This little companion to private reflection will offer ready sustenance to those setting out on the joyful road to Easter. |
Lent & Easter, Booklets |
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Message of Guadalupe - BookletMessage of Guadalupe - Booklet![]() Our Lady of Guadalupe, Queen of Mexico, Mother of the Americas and Protectress of the Unborn Child.Why, in 1531, did Our Lady appear to an illiterate Mexican worker, Juan Diego? How can interest and devotion to her today be so widespread? Our Lady appeared as an Indian girl, speaking Juan Diego’s own native language, and offered her help to the oppressed and largely pagan people from which he came. The miraculous image, which appeared as a result on Diego’s clothing, can still be seen in Mexico today. This booklet tells the story, and the message Guadalupe has for the modern world. Gillian Rae eloquently shows how Mary’s ‘missionary image’ spans the centuries to combat today’s ‘culture of death.’ |
Advent & Christmas |
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The Message of St. Therese of Lisieux - BookletThe Message of St. Therese of Lisieux - Booklet![]() The Little Way of an unknown Carmelite nun who became a Doctor of the Church Thérèse died a painful and lingering death of tuberculosis in her French convent in the Normandy town of Lisieux in 1897, at only twenty-four years of age. Thousands of soldiers in the First World War trenches carried her picture to their own deaths. This acclaimed booklet sets out what Thérèse called her Little Way and powerfully reveals the relevance of the Gospel to everyday living. |
Booklets |
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Mother Teresa - BookletMother Teresa - Booklet![]() As Agnes Bojaxhiu left her home in Albania to join the missionary Loreto Sisters in Ireland, she began a journey which would make her one of the most famous women of the twentieth century. Jim Gallagher recounts her life of openness to God and of service to those whom the world considered worthless. From her care for the dying in the streets of Calcutta to her defence of the unborn in the West, her life shows the power of true holiness and heroic Christian witness. |
Booklets, Corporal Works of Mercy |
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A New Hospital Prayer Book - BookletA New Hospital Prayer Book - Booklet![]() This popular prayer book, now revised and improved, offers well-loved prayers, meditations, and encouragement for those in hospital. Prayers for expectant mothers, excerpts from Scripture, and form the saints, the Rites for Receiving Communion when sick, and Anointing the Sick are included, as is night prayer and a helpful guide to confession. |
Prayer & Devotions, Suffering, Booklets, Eucharist, Confession, Corporal Works of Mercy |
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Our Lady Untier of Knots - BookletOur Lady Untier of Knots - Booklet![]() During his studies in Germany, Pope Francis encountered a local devotion centered on an image of Our Lady in the Church of St Peter in Augsburg. Many had come to pray with seemingly irresolvable family and marriage problems and had been helped. On his return to Argentina he set about spreading this devotion and its novena. |
Mary, Booklets |
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Padre Pio - BookletPadre Pio - Booklet![]() Canonized on the 16th June 2002, Saint Pio of Pietrelcina, better known as Padre Pio, had already become one of the saints whose intercession is most called upon, often with amazing effect. Padre Pio received the stigmata, worked many miracles and is said to have often bilocated. Yet as Jim Gallagher beautifully recounts, it was for his holiness as a priest and selfless ministry in the confessional that Padre Pio will ever be remembered among the saints. |
Booklets |
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Pier Giorgio Frassati - BookletPier Giorgio Frassati - Booklet![]() A young Catholic who spent his short life caring for the sick and infirm. A handsome and active young man from an influential family in Turin who dedicated his short life to the care of the poor and the sick and working for social and political reforms. Pier Giorgio Frassati’s generosity was legendary. He often gave the clothes he was wearing to poor people he met who were in need. An open anti-fascist, a keen sportsman and mountaineer, an enthusiast of the theatre and literature, and a young man with a great devotion to the Blessed Sacrament, he stands as a great example of Christianity in action. His life was cut short by polio at the age of 24 and thousands of the Italian industrial city’s poor lined the streets at his funeral. He was beatified in 1990 by Blessed Pope John Paul II. |
Youth, Booklets, Saints, Corporal Works of Mercy |
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Prayer Book for Spouses - BookletPrayer Book for Spouses - Booklet![]() These prayers and meditations offer couples a ready, thorough and reliable support to the daily challenges and joys of married life. Drawing on Scripture, Catholic teaching and spirituality and the Marriage Rite itself, this prayer book encourages the loving and spiritual dimension essential to the life of Christian spouses. |
Marriage, Prayer & Devotions, Booklets, Best Sellers |
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Preparing for Your Child's Baptism - BookletPreparing for Your Child's Baptism - Booklet![]() Baptism is a gift for you, your child and for the whole family. This booklet explains what the sacrament is all about and what it means for you and your child. There are also practical suggestions and activities for you to follow during the time of preparation and on the day of the Sacrament itself to support your child in prayer together with all the family. Make your child's baptism a time to enrich and renew the faith of everyone involved. |
Booklets, Baptism |
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Purgatory A Mystery of Love - BookletPurgatory A Mystery of Love - Booklet![]() Does purgatory exist? If so, where, and why? What does the Bible say? What does the Church teach? What sense can be made of indulgences? This engaging survey of Scripture, the Church Fathers, Christian history, distinguished writers, and the Catechism, provides answers to these and many other questions. In this examination of the calling and dignity of each person, as well as the context and purpose of our lives here on earth, personal accountability and divine mercy harmoniously combine to make sound common sense. |
Apologetics, Booklets |
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Saint Therese of Lisieux - Prayers & Devotion - BookletSaint Therese of Lisieux - Prayers & Devotion - Booklet![]() This booklet contains an introduction to the life of St. Therese and explains the origin of devotion to her "Little Way" as well as her importance in our everyday life and on our journey of faith. The best loved litanies, novenas, devotions, and hymns are included to encourage a prayerful visit to this well loved saint and a mind and heart lifted up to God. |
Booklets, Saints |
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Science and Religion - BookletScience and Religion - Booklet![]() Professor Barr overturns the widespread notions that the history of science and religion is one of conflict and abuse. He looks at the historical, philosophical and scientific claims of enmity between science and religion and proves that they have very little basis in fact. Indeed in many places they are the very opposite of what history and science have to tell us. The myth that scientific discovery over the last four hundred years has debunked Christian belief is also thoroughly unpicked. |
Church Teaching, Apologetics, Booklets, SALE! |
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Sexuality & Love - BookletSexuality & Love - Booklet![]() This booklet tackles some of the most difficult questions and shows how Christianity offers real freedom in living, rather than placing unreasonable limits on our behaviour. Catholic belief and understanding in this area follows Christ in teaching people how to live out a generous, honest love that is free from selfishness and inherent deceit. |
Church Teaching, Marriage, Booklets, Chastity, Sexuality |
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Stations of the Cross with Pope Francis - BookletStations of the Cross with Pope Francis - Booklet![]() Amid all the sound-bites and comment on the words and actions of Pope Francis, this booklet invites you to stop and pray with the Pope and truly understand his message of love and mercy. These meditations on the Passion of Christ offer, in the words of Pope Francis, not only a deeply prayerful journey along the Via Dolorosa, but valuable insight into the mind and heart of the Holy Father.
Lent & Easter, Booklets |
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Stations of the Cross: The Way of Divine MercyStations of the Cross: The Way of Divine Mercy![]() These classic reflections on Christ's passion by St Alphonsus retain their timeless relevance - especially for the Year of Mercy. They are enriched by a brief biography of Alphonsus, a selection of prayers penned by him, and a word on the history and value of the Way of the Cross as a "way of divine mercy." This new edition contains new color illustrations to assist prayerful devotion. |
Lent & Easter, Prayer & Devotions, Booklets, Divine Mercy |
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A Way of Life for Young Catholics - BookletA Way of Life for Young Catholics - Booklet![]() Written for young Catholics who want to live their faith more deeply but are not sure what steps to take, this booklet contains practical, down-to-earth advice on many aspects of daily life, whether spiritual (prayer and confession), moral (alcohol and drugs, dating and chastity), emotional (coping with worrying or suffering), or vocational (discovering my vocation, finding a good husband or wife). It will be especially helpful for older confirmation candidates, students and young adults hoping to learn more about their faith. |
Personal Growth, Booklets |
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Ways of Forgiveness - BookletWays of Forgiveness - Booklet![]() This inspiring and practical guide opens us up to the spiritual gift of forgiveness. The author considers what sin is and how it affects our lives, and then shows how the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) can heal us from the effects of sin. What is more, in seeking God’s Forgiveness, granted to all who ask for it, we can in turn obtain the grace to forgive others and heal our relationships with them. The author of the booklets, Fr John Edwards SJ, is an experienced spiritual director with many years of experience in this field. |
Personal Growth, Booklets |
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What Catholics Believe - BookletWhat Catholics Believe - Booklet![]() To anyone interested in learning something of the Catholic faith, this 'twenty-steps' pocket book will be a treasure. Different people have so many different questions: about marriage and family life, about faith, whether God exists, the truth of the Gospels, or about justice and peace in the world. While designed for use as part of a course of instruction, this booklet will be helpful for use on your own. It does not pretend to be a complete expression of the Catholic faith - but is an excellent introduction: a step on your journey to Christ. |
Church Teaching, Apologetics, Evangelization, Booklets |
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What Happened at Fatima - BookletWhat Happened at Fatima - Booklet![]() Adhering faithfully to the memoirs of Sister Lucia, the longest surviving seer, this book follows the events of Fatima: from the first stirrings of the wings in the appearances of the angels before the six apparitions of the Blessed Virgin herself, the deaths of Francisco and Jacinta Marto, the subsequent apparitions to Sister Lucia in Pontevedra and Tuy, the consecration of the world and Russia to the Immaculate Heart, the dissolution of Soviet Communism, to the beatifications of Francisco and Jacinta and the opening of the third part of the secret that Our Lady confided to the children in 1917. |
Prayer & Devotions, Mary, Booklets, Our Lady of Fatima |
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What is the Catholic Church? - BookletWhat is the Catholic Church? - Booklet![]() Many people are puzzled by the idea of the Church, and especially by the claims of the Catholic Church. This booklet shows the Catholic Church’s special place in God’s plan for humanity; how Jesus Christ founded his Church and guides it throughout history; how he is present with us, especially through the sacraments; and how he guides and teaches us through its official leaders. The Catholic Church is a home for all, for saints and for sinners, and only in this home can we discover all the gifts that Christ wants to share with us. |
Church Teaching, Apologetics, Evangelization, Booklets |
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Who is the Devil? - BookletWho is the Devil? - Booklet![]() To the surprise of some, Pope Francis has devoted considerable energy in exhorting the faithful to take the devil seriously. In his homilies, speeches and writings he has made clear that while we need not be afraid of the devil, his activity today can be readily identified. |
Booklets |
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Why Go to Mass? - BookletWhy Go to Mass? - Booklet![]() Some Catholics go to Mass simply because they have always done so, out of obligation, or because their parents, teachers or peers demand that they come. Others have either given up completely or are still searching. Relying greatly upon the new Catechism of the Catholic Church, Fr Michael Evans provides a beautiful summary of the meaning of the Mass and the powerful reasons why it holds the central position in the life of the Church and Christians. How can we love God, and our neighbour without the love of Christ? |
Evangelization, Sacraments, Booklets, Eucharist |
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