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Products in Lent & Easter

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Coming Home to Confession: An Invitation for Lent

Coming Home to Confession: An Invitation for Lent

The Sacrament of Reconciliation is an important and wonderful gift of God’s grace to the Church. But, with its many names and many parts, it can sometimes also be hard to understand. Join us as Dr. James Prothro takes us through the sacrament by walking through Jesus’ parable of the prodigal son, who is forgiven and restored through repentance and the love of his merciful father.

Dr. James Prothro
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Coming Home to Confession: An Invitation for Lent - mp3

Coming Home to Confession: An Invitation for Lent - mp3

The Sacrament of Reconciliation is an important and wonderful gift of God’s grace to the Church. But, with its many names and many parts, it can sometimes also be hard to understand. Join us as Dr. James Prothro takes us through the sacrament by walking through Jesus’ parable of the prodigal son, who is forgiven and restored through repentance and the love of his merciful father.

Dr. James Prothro
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Family and Prayer Life During Lent

Family and Prayer Life During Lent

Join Mother Miriam as she provides some fun and unique ways for families to have an active prayer life during Lent. Whether it’s saying the rosary, creating a prayer space, or just asking God for your heart's true desires, take a moment to listen to Mother Miriam as she guides us through Lent.

Mother Miriam of the Lamb of God
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The Woman at the Foot of the Cross - Part 1

The Woman at the Foot of the Cross - Part 1

In this talk—Part 1 of a special two-part Lighthouse Talks presentation—Augustine Institute professor Dr. Ben Akers gives a meditative, Scriptural reflection on keeping vigil at the foot of the cross with Jesus' mother Mary. Dr. Akers explains the deeper meaning behind Jesus' confusing address of Mary as “Woman,” and illuminates the connections and foreshadowing between the biblical stories of Creation, the Wedding at Cana, and the Crucifixion. We learn profoundly, as Dr. Akers explains, that “everything Mary does points us to her Son." 

Dr. Ben Akers
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The Woman at the Foot of the Cross, Part 2

The Woman at the Foot of the Cross, Part 2

In this talk—Part 2 of a special two-part Lighthouse Talks presentation—Augustine Institute professor Dr. Ben Akers continues his meditative reflection on Mary’s role in Scripture, weaving together the stories of the Fall and Jesus’ Passion and Resurrection. Dr. Akers also provides illuminating answers to thoughtful questions from the audience. “The Fall happened through eating forbidden fruit; our redemption happens from eating the Eucharist.”

Dr. Ben Akers
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Average Rating: 3.50 based on 2 ratings

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The Stations of the Cross: Journey to the Holy Land

The Stations of the Cross: Journey to the Holy Land

Have you ever wanted to travel to the Holy Land? Can you imagine walking in the footsteps of Jesus Christ and following Him throughout His crucifixion and death? In this talk, speaker and pilgrim guide to Jerusalem Steve Ray vividly details the places and events of Christ's crucifixion. Steve connects the dots between Scripture, the sacred sites, and the traditional Stations of the Cross, helping us more closely experience and appreciate the most profound act of God's love for humanity.

Stephen Ray
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Resurrection & Mercy: 3 Homilies for the Easter Season

Resurrection & Mercy: 3 Homilies for the Easter Season

Christ is Risen! He is Risen Indeed! Amid crisis, scandal, and confusion in the modern world, where does the good news of the Resurrection and God's endless mercy fit in? In these three homilies—on The Easter Vigil, Divine Mercy Sunday, and Pentecost—priest and pastor Fr. Brian Larkin shares stories and insights, including from G.K. Chesterton, George Weigel, St. John Paul II, St. Faustina Kowalska, and the Old and New Testaments, to proclaim the joy, hope, and mission of every Christian, to love and serve a God “who never tires of forgiving you”, and “who knows His way out of the grave.”

Fr. Brian Larkin
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Spanish - El Viacrucis: de San Alfonso M. de Ligorio

Spanish - El Viacrucis: de San Alfonso M. de Ligorio

El Augustine Institute presenta esta hermosa meditación de las Estaciones de la Cruz de San Alfonso María de Ligorio, narrada por Luis Soto. Esta reflexión en oración está acompañada por la Schola Cantorum de la Iglesia de Nuestra Señora del Monte Carmelo, Littleton, CO, cantando el himno católico tradicional Stabat Mater, en latín, que representa la amorosa presencia de Nuestra Madre, compartiendo el sufrimiento de Cristo al pie de la cruz. Disfrute este audio en sus trayectos, en casa o en cualquier lugar donde encuentre el tiempo, para enriquecer su oración durante la Cuaresma o durante todo el año, y viva mejor la Pasión de Cristo.

English Translation - The Way of the Cross: by Saint Alphonsus M. Liguori

The Augustine Institute presents a beautiful meditation on the Stations of the Cross by Saint Alphonsus Liguori, narrated by Luis Soto. This prayerful reflection is accompanied by the Schola Cantorum of Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church, Littleton, CO, chanting the traditional Catholic hymn Stabat Mater, in Latin, which depicts the loving presence of Our Sorrowful Mother, sharing in the suffering of Christ at the foot of the cross. Take advantage of this audio on your commute, at home, or anywhere you find the time, to enrich your prayer during Lent or throughout the year, and better unite yourself to the Passion of Christ.


“This devotion continues to reveal to me something new at an even deeper spiritual level.”
Narrado Por Luis Soto
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Lectio: Salvation Participant Guide & Book -(Paperback) Bundle

Lectio: Salvation Participant Guide & Book -(Paperback) Bundle

Purchase the Lectio: Salvation Study Guide and the Salvation: What Every Catholic Should Know paperback and save!

About the Lectio: Salvation Study Guide:

At every Sunday Mass, Catholics confess that Jesus came down from heaven "for us men and for our salvation."  But what does "salvation" mean?

In this remarkable 10-part video study program, Scripture scholar and theologian Michael Patrick Barber provides a thorough, deeply Catholic, and deeply biblical, answer.

Based on the best-selling book Salvation: What Every Catholic Should Know, this video study program is inspiring, engaging, and accessible to anyone - perfect for small group study in a parish or in your home!

This full-color Study Guide will help you get the most from this new DVD series.


About the Salvation: What Every Catholic Should Know paperback:

At every Sunday Mass, Catholics confess that Jesus came down from heaven “for us men and for our salvation.” But what does “salvation” mean?

In this robust and accessible book, Scripture scholar and theologian Michael Patrick Barber provides a thorough, deeply Catholic, and deeply biblical, answer. He deftly tackles this complex topic, unpacking what the New Testament teaches about salvation in Christ, detailing what exactly salvation is, and what it is not. In easy and readable prose, he explains what the Cross, the Church, and the Trinity have to do with salvation. While intellectually stimulating, Salvation: What Every Catholic Should Know is deeply spiritual, and at its core is the salvific message that God is love, and his love is one of transformation and redemption.

The “What Every Catholic Should Know” series is intended for the average faithful Catholic who wants to know more about Catholic faith and culture. The authors in this series take a panoramic approach to the topic of each book aimed at a non-specialist but enthusiastic readership. Forthcoming topics planned for this series include: literature, mercy, history, art, music, and philosophy.

About the Author

Michael Patrick Barber is Associate Professor of Theology and Scripture at the Augustine Institute in Denver, CO. In addition to teaching, academic research, and publishing, he also gives popular presentations at Catholic conferences and parish events around the United States.

Dr. Michael Patrick Barber
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The Tears of Christ

The Tears of Christ

“Jesus wept, not merely from the deep thoughts of his understanding but from spontaneous tenderness, from the goodness and mercy, the encompassing loving-kindness and exuberant affection of the Son of God for his own work, the race of man.”

This precious insight takes us to the heart of the interior life of St. John Henry Newman (1801–1890), from the treasures of which these meditations are offered as a devotional aid for the season of Lent. Drawn chiefly from his sermons and gently modernized, these meditations offer a share in the fruit of his contemplation, that we might the better enjoy with him the “one thing which is all in all to us,” which is “to live in Christ’s presence, to hear his voice, to see his countenance.”

St. John Henry Newman
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Trouble with Lent: The Adventures of Nick & Sam

Trouble with Lent: The Adventures of Nick & Sam

Join the Perry Twins on Their Lenten Adventure!

Introducing Book #4 in The Adventures of Nick & Sam!

In Trouble with Lent, the fourth book of "The Adventures of Nick and Sam," the Perry twins are celebrating Lent at school, at church, and with their family.

The family discusses what they will be giving up for Lent, and Nick and Sam experience some struggles with their choices throughout the Lenten season. A new boy, Riley, joins their class. He's obsessed with Big Foot, and he and Nick get into some strange adventures seeking the famous creature. Sam enters the school spelling bee, and she struggles with temptation when someone tries to help her cheat. The kids learn about temptations, sacrifices, poverty, and the love of Jesus along the way.

The chapters follow along the calendar for the season of Lent and lead right into the joy of Easter Sunday.

About the Series

Nicolas (Nick) and Samantha (Sam) Perry are twins in the Perry family. They moved with their parents, their brother Andrew, and their sister Lizzy, to Hope Springs in the summer. Hope Springs is a fictional town in the mountains of Colorado, the setting of the Hope Springs series. Hope Springs is a multi-faceted series of stories that explores living the Catholic faith in the modern world.This series presents the adventures of the twins, their family, their friends, and the people they encounter at school, church, and in town. This series presents Catholic culture easily and normally, and provides opportunities for readers to think about the consequences of words and actions. Centered around the Perry family, Hope Springs was introduced as short stories in the Signs Of Grace catechetical workbooks and now includes novels for First Readers (ages 7+) under the banner The Adventures Of Nick & Sam. The world of Hope Springs also appears in the grown-up novel Blue Christmas. The likeable and engaging characters reflect the sensibilities and struggles of being Catholic in the quirky small town of Hope Springs, playing out their faith at the St. Clare of Assisi Catholic Church and School, with their neighborhood friends and adversaries, and in the many adventures that makes the teachings of the Church come alive. This series is written similarly to the Adventures in Odyssey series and the Magic Tree House Series. It is recommended for readers ages seven and up, but can also be read by parents to younger children.

About the Author

Paul McCusker is an American writer most widely known for Adventures in Odyssey, but he has worked on many other types of writing projects: novels, plays, musicals, radio dramas, and movie scripts. Paul now writes for the Augustine Institute Radio Theatre productions and the Publishing Department. He is a convert to Catholicism, and lives in Colorado Springs, Colorado with his wife and children.

Product Details

– 270 Pages
– Released 2019
– Paperback

Paul McCusker
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Jesus of Nazareth: Holy Week: From the Entrance into Jerusalem to the Resurrection

Jesus of Nazareth: Holy Week: From the Entrance into Jerusalem to the Resurrection

For Christians, Jesus of Nazareth is the Son of God, who died for the sins of the world, and who rose from the dead in triumph over sin and death. For non-Christians, he is almost anything else--a myth, a political revolutionary, a prophet whose teaching was misunderstood or distorted by his followers.

Jesus of Nazareth is the Son of God, and no myth, revolutionary, or misunderstood prophet, insists Benedict XVI. He thinks that the best of historical scholarship, while it can't "prove" Jesus is the Son of God, certainly doesn't disprove it. Indeed, Benedict maintains that the evidence, fairly considered, brings us face-to-face with the challenge of Jesus--a real man who taught and acted in ways that were tantamount to claims of divine authority, claims not easily dismissed as lunacy or deception.

Benedict XVI presents this challenge in this book, Jesus of Nazareth: Holy Week: From the Entrance into Jerusalem to the Resurrection, the sequel volume to Jesus of Nazareth: From the Baptism in the Jordan to the Transfiguration.

Why was Jesus rejected by the religious leaders of his day? Who was responsible for his death? Did he establish a Church to carry on his work? How did Jesus view his suffering and death? How should we? And, most importantly, did Jesus really rise from the dead and what does his resurrection mean? The story of Jesus raises many crucial questions.

Benedict brings to his study the vast learning of a brilliant scholar, the passionate searching of a great mind, and the deep compassion of a pastor's heart. In the end, he dares readers to grapple with the meaning of Jesus' life, teaching, death, and resurrection.

The Study Guide is also available!

"Only in this second volume do we encounter the decisive sayings and events of Jesus' life . . . I hope that I have been granted an insight into the figure of Our Lord that can be helpful to all readers who seek to encounter Jesus and to believe in Him."
–Pope Benedict XVI

Praise for Jesus of Nazareth: Holy Week

"Working from Scripture, the Church Fathers and contemporary scholarship, Benedict XVI deftly brings together the historical and theological dimensions of the gospel portraits of Jesus. This is a splendid, penetrating study of the central figure of Christian faith; a learned and spiritual illumination not only of who Jesus was, but who he is for us today."
– +Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap., Archbishop of Denver

"What better guide could you find than Benedict XVI to lead you on the bracing adventure of exploring the historical Jesus and discovering, under the tutelage of this most sage successor to Peter, the inner meaning of Jesus‘ death and resurrection. Faith and reasonare the two wings Benedict XVI takes up to lead us to astonishingly fresh spiritual perspectives and dizzying heights. This book often takes ones breath away, while infusing in the reader the God-breathed Word, which is the Gospel."
– Tim Gray, Ph.D., President , Augustine Institute

"As is his first volume of Jesus of Nazareth, so, once again, in his second volume Pope Benedict XVI has authored a marvelous book, this time on the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus. What makes this study so attractive is the depth of its biblical insight, its attention to historical issues, its keen theological acumen, and its lucid and precise expression. Moreover, as with the first volume, it is written in a serene and prayerful manner - a serenity and a prayerfulness that is conveyed to the heart and mind of the reader. This book fulfills Pope Benedict's ardent desire - that it would "be helpful to all readers who seek to encounter Jesus and to believe in him."
– Thomas G. Weinandy, O.F.M., Cap., Executive Director for the Secretariat for Doctrine, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops

Book Details

– 384 Pages
– Hardcover
– Published 2011

Pope Benedict XVI
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Spanish - Tengo sed: 40 días con la Madre Teresa

Spanish - Tengo sed: 40 días con la Madre Teresa

Santa Teresa de Calcuta era conocida por su amor y trabajo compasivo entre los más pobres de los pobres. Detrás de su impulso y su deseo de servir a los pobres de Cristo, estaba su profunda comprensión de la sed de Dios por los hombres y de la sed de los hombres por Dios. Esta meditación guiada sobre las escrituras y las enseñanzas de la Madre Teresa, llevará al lector a entrar en el misterio de la sed de Dios por las almas y la manera en que nosotros podemos saciar la sed del Señor. El P. Joseph Langford, quien fuera amigo íntimo de la Madre Teresa y confundador, junto a ella, de los Padres Misioneros de la Caridad, nos lleeva a la profundidad del amor a Dios que tenía la Madre Teresea y, a través de su amor, nos descubre el camino para agrandar el amor a Dios en nuestros propios corazones.

Tengo sed nos ofrece la oporrtunidad de pasar unos minutos cada día con la Madre Teresa y con la sed de nuestro Dios. Nos ayuda también a crecer en nuestra intimidad con Dios y descubrir que la sed de Dios, es una sed de nuestra sed de Él.

English Description:

St. Teresa of Calcutta was a woman known and loved for her tender work among the poorest of the poor. Behind her drive and desire to serve Christ’s poor was a profound understanding of the thirst of God for man, and man’s thirst for God. This guided meditation on Scripture and the teaching of Mother Teresa will lead those who read it into the heart of the mystery of God’s thirst for souls, and how man can meet the Lord’s thirst. Fr. Joseph Langford, an intimate friend of Mother Teresa’s and a co-founder with her of the Missionary of Charity Fathers, leads the reader into Mother Teresa’s love of God, and helps foster the love of God in the heart of the reader.

I Thirst provides an opportunity to spend a few minutes every day with Mother Teresa and the thirst of our Lord. It provides an opportunity to grow in intimacy, and to meet the thirst of God with our own thirst for him.

Praise for Tengo sed

“Las reflexiones del Padre Langford nos llevan al corazón de la espiritualidad de la Madre Teresa. Debido a su relación cercana con la Madre Teresa y a su propia contemplación y conocimiento de este tema, esta meditaciones nos ayudan a encontrar a Dios en nuestrar sed y su sed por nosotros.”
– Edward Sri, Vice President de Formación, Fellowship of Catholic University Students

"De manera irónica, en un mundo egocéntrico y lleno de sí mismo, a muchos, a muchísimos se les dificulta creer que Dios tiene sed de ellos. ¡Este pequeño libro nos ofrece la prueba bíblica dee que esto es verdad! Es una verdadera joya dee lectura espiritual."
– Helen M. Alvaré, Profesor de Derecho, Escuela de leyes de la Universidad George Mason

Si tienes sed del agua viva de Dios, sigue la sabiduría de la Madre Teresa y sin duda alguna te llevará a su fuente.
– Dan Burke, Presidente, Noticias EWTN y del Instituto Avila de Formación Espiritual

Fr. Joseph Langford M.C.
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Spanish - ¿Resucitó Jesús Realmente de Entre Los Muertos? - Book

Spanish - ¿Resucitó Jesús Realmente de Entre Los Muertos? - Book

Películas como Risen y libros como Killing Jesus de Bill O’Reilly, plantean preguntas sobre lo que realmente le sucedió al Cuerpo crucificado de Jesús de Nazaret. Carl Olson, haciendo uso del formato popular de preguntas y respuestas, examina la evidencia histórica con respecto al destino controversial de Jesús.

Seas creyente, escéptico o un poco de ambos, prepárate a enfrentar un reto a través de argumentos lógicos en este libro instigador y perspicaz.

Muestra del libro.

English Translation:
Movies such as Risen and books such as Bill O’Reilly’s Killing Jesus raise questions about what really happened to the crucified body of Jesus of Nazareth. Using a popular question-and-answer format, Carl Olson examines the historical evidence concerning Jesus’s controversial fate.

Whether you are a believer, a skeptic, or something in between, prepare to be challenged by the logical arguments in this provocative and insightful book.

Read a sample.

Carl Olson MTS
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Spanish - Amor, Sacrificio, Confianza: El Nos Mostro el Camino

Spanish - Amor, Sacrificio, Confianza: El Nos Mostro el Camino

El P. Mike nos comparte pensamientos profundos sobre el significado de la Cruz de Cristo. Nos muestra cómo la misión salvadora de Cristo incluye también que cada uno de nosotros abrace su cruz personal, para restablecer la confianza en el Padre y entender que el amor requiere sacrificio.

English Translation: Love - Sacrifice - Trust: He Showed Us the Way
Fr. Mike Schmitz shares important insights on the meaning of Christ’s Cross. He shows how God’s rescue mission for us includes the need for each person to embrace his own cross in order to reestablish trust in the Father and the understanding that love requires sacrifice.


La profundidad de este mensaje, me tocó el corazón personalmente y sin duda fortaleció mi relación con Dios. Martha - Aiken, SC
Fr. Michael Schmitz
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Brother Francis: He is Risen DVD

Brother Francis: He is Risen DVD

This episode reminds us of the powerful reality of the Resurrection in our present lives and the great price Jesus paid to bring us home to God.

Product Details

  •  Runtime: 25 minutes
  •  Language: English or Spanish
  •  Subtitles: English or Spanish
  •  DVD format: NTSC

Herald Entertainment
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Love - Sacrifice - Trust: He Showed Us the Way

Love - Sacrifice - Trust: He Showed Us the Way

Fr. Mike Schmitz shares important insights on the meaning of Christ’s Cross. He shows how God’s rescue mission for us includes the need for each person to embrace his own cross in order to reestablish trust in the Father and the understanding that love requires sacrifice. It also includes a bonus segment on Stations of the Cross, which features reflections on the Lord’s Passion and Death, accompanied by moving audio dramatizations from the Truth and Life Audio Bible.


Very touching. I wish everyone in the world would listen to it! Jami - Williamsburg , VA
Fr. Michael Schmitz
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7 Secrets of Confession

7 Secrets of Confession

In this inspiring presentation, popular speaker Vinny Flynn explores the “hidden” truths of the Sacrament of Reconciliation, presenting what to many will be a whole new way of approaching Confession, inviting you to begin an exciting personal journey to healing and holiness. If you do not yet look forward to Confession in the same way you look forward to Communion, this will change your life.


That confession is very important to your well being. Increases your faith. Joanne - Redwood Falls, MN
Vinny Flynn
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Average Rating: 4.18 based on 11 ratings

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7 Secrets of Divine Mercy - Book

7 Secrets of Divine Mercy - Book

In this compelling and timely book, best-selling author Vinny Flynn draws from Scripture, the teachings of the Church, and the Diary of St. Faustina to reveal the heart of Divine Mercy. He offers an invitation and a road map so that Divine Mercy, the overflow of love from the Holy Trinity, can transform your life.


Praise for 7 Secrets of Divine Mercy

“This book will profit everyone who reads it.”
- Donald Cardinal Wuerl, Archbishop of Washington

“Imagine if someone were to deeply ponder and powerfully proclaim the mystery of Divine Mercy for more than 35 years and then gather the most precious insights into one place. You've imagined this book.”
- Fr. Michael Gaitley, MIC, Author, 33 Days to Morning Glory

“What an amazing book! This isn't just a book for people who want to know more about Divine Mercy—this is a book for people who want their entire relationship with God revitalized.”
- Jennifer Fulwiler, Something Other than God, Radio host on SiriusXM

“I was astounded by ‘7 Secrets of Divine Mercy.’ Vinny Flynn’s book is a brilliant light to help us know St. Faustina and her beautiful message of God’s mercy.”
- Mother Dolores Hart, OSB, Author, The Ear of the Heart

“Vinny Flynn has accomplished a great work for the Church in his new book ‘7 Secrets of Divine Mercy’—an outstanding presentation.”
- Timothy T. O’Donnell, STD, KGCHS, President, Christendom College

Vinny Flynn
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Stations of the Cross: The Way of Divine Mercy

Stations of the Cross: The Way of Divine Mercy

These classic reflections on Christ's passion by St Alphonsus retain their timeless relevance - especially for the Year of Mercy. They are enriched by a brief biography of Alphonsus, a selection of prayers penned by him, and a word on the history and value of the Way of the Cross as a "way of divine mercy." This new edition contains new color illustrations to assist prayerful devotion.

Catholic Truth Society
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7 Secrets of Divine Mercy

7 Secrets of Divine Mercy

Saint John Paul II, Pope Benedict XVI, and Pope Francis have made it clear that Divine Mercy is at the very center of the Christian faith. In this talk, best-selling author Vinny Flynn shares his 7 Secrets of Divine Mercy, and Christ’s message of love for each of us, and for the whole world.


I love everything i can possibly learn about divine mercy. Sometimes it just helps to put the message into simple terms so I can feel more confident in sharing with others. Trayce - Excelsior Springs, MO
Vinny Flynn
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Beyond Belief: Following Christ Today

Beyond Belief: Following Christ Today

Fr. Mike Schmitz tackles some of the most difficult topics in the Church today with humor, clarity, and theological truth. In this talk, he challenges us to not settle for mediocrity and to allow Christ to change our lives. Fr. Mike goes on to explain that once we are changed by the love of Jesus, then together we can change the world.


The down to earth approach that father Mike uses Marcela - Houston, TX
Fr. Michael Schmitz
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Average Rating: 4.76 based on 25 ratings

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Prayer: Gateway to the Spiritual Life

Prayer: Gateway to the Spiritual Life

Archbishop Paul Coakley attended the university of Kansas where he completed his undergraduate studies in English and Classical Antiquities. After being ordained a priest in 1983, he served as a priest of the Wichita Diocese for 21 years. He was installed as bishop of Salina, Kansas by Saint John Paul II in 2004 and was appointed by Pope Benedict XVI as the fourth archbishop of the archdiocese of Oklahoma City, where he has served since 2011. His episcopal motto is Duc in Altum, which translated from Latin, means "Put out into the Deep."


he referred to the 400 moments of graditude in our lives when jesus touches us. and being a mother of a 16 year old boy I have a lot of god moments. I resected is emphasis on graditude a heart of gradutiude goes along way. contstant prayer gives hope and is honesty that he wavered away from the faith on his faith journey. and both times he got the phone call he was surprised. he didn't have lofty ambishens for power. he truly sounded honest pure and strong and I fell those are essensial qualities in a bishop. lesa - noblesville, IN
Archbishop Paul Coakley
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Polish - Druga Najwspanialsza Historia

Polish - Druga Najwspanialsza Historia

Ojciec Michael Gaitley, M.I.C., jest kaplanem Zgromadzenia Ksiezy Marianow Niepokalanego Poczecia Najswietszej Maryi Panny oraz dyrektorem Stowarzyszenia Pomocnikow Marianskich, ktore liczy ponad milion czionkow. W swoim przemowieniu pod tytulem "Druga Najwspanialsza Historia", ojciec Gaitley opowiada o Milosierdziu Bozym, zyciu Swietego Papieza Jan Pawel II, oraz o kluczowej roli, jaka moze odegrac Konsedracja Maryjna w naszym zyciu.

Fr. Michael Gaitley
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Divine Mercy Novena and Chaplet

Divine Mercy Novena and Chaplet

Novena according to the Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska (Diary 1209-1229). Chaplet of The Divine Mercy, according to the (Diary, 476).

50 Pamphlets per Package

Marian Fathers of the Immaculate Conception

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Stations of the Cross with Pope Francis - Booklet

Stations of the Cross with Pope Francis - Booklet

Amid all the sound-bites and comment on the words and actions of Pope Francis, this booklet invites you to stop and pray with the Pope and truly understand his message of love and mercy. These meditations on the Passion of Christ offer, in the words of Pope Francis, not only a deeply prayerful journey along the Via Dolorosa, but valuable insight into the mind and heart of the Holy Father.

Catholic Truth Society
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Spanish - Jesús y las Raíces Judías de la Eucaristía

Spanish - Jesús y las Raíces Judías de la Eucaristía

El Dr. Brant Pitre utiliza las escrituras hebreas y la tradicion Judia Para explicar las acciones de Jesus en la Ultima Cena y tambien para proporcionarnos una vista nueva del corazon de la pratica Catolica - la Eucaristia. Al llevarnos de regreso a las raices Judias de neustra fe, el Dr. Pitre nos da un lente poderoso por el cual podemos ver nuevamente el pan de la presencia, el mana, la Ultima Cena, y finalmente el significado de la Eucarista.

Dr. Brant Pitre
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The Four Last Things: Death, Judgment, Heaven, Hell

The Four Last Things: Death, Judgment, Heaven, Hell

Fr. Mike Schmitz is one of the leading Catholic speakers in the Church today. Fr. Mike tackles four very difficult topics in this exceptional presentation: Death, Judgement, Heaven, and Hell. Listen to this talk and finally get the answers to the question: "What Happens When I Die?"

Following the main presentation is a bonus from the talk Purgatory: Holy Fire by Dr. Scott Hahn. This bonus is part of the 6-CD set by Dr. Hahn titled Answering Common Objections.


The life and energy. The great , accessible explanation of purgatory Bonnie - edmonton, AB
Fr. Michael Schmitz
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Freedom Through Forgiveness

Freedom Through Forgiveness

With over 15 years of experience, Ken Yasinski has quickly become one of Canada’s most sought after Catholic speakers. Through clever examples and insightful stories, Ken reveals how each of us can obtain freedom from the burden of our sins through the forgiveness that is readily available in the Sacrament of Confession.


Ken Yasinski connects the Sacrament of Reconciliation with passages and personal life very well. I believe this talk can motivate many to seek the lord's peace and forgiveness. Mickey - Philly, PA
Ken Yasinski
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Average Rating: 3.50 based on 6 ratings

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My Beloved Son: Meditations for Lent

My Beloved Son: Meditations for Lent

Bishop Robert Barron offers five sermons on the spiritual discipline we must cultivate in the Lenten season, a discipline centered in Christ. These meditations cover topics such as finding our identity in God, prayer as the key to mission, our thirst for God, how to end our alienation from God, and how to joyfully embrace the way of happiness.


It expanded my appreciation of Lent and Lenten activities. Cynthia - Crossville, TN
Bishop Robert Barron
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Average Rating: 4.50 based on 10 ratings

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The Resurrection of Jesus: Fact or Fiction?

The Resurrection of Jesus: Fact or Fiction?

Come to grips with “what really happened to Jesus” as Dr. Steven Smith explores Resurrection narratives from the vantage point of each of the four Gospels as well as many of the vital medical details of Roman crucifixion. 

Dr. Steven Smith is a professor of Sacred Scripture at Mount Saint Mary's Seminary, in Emmitsburg, Maryland. Dr. Smith earned his Ph.D from Loyola University in Chicago, where he specialized in the study of the Gospels and their relationship to the Old Testament.


Gave concrete facts to assist in belief (even though my name is not Thomas!) Gregory - Fairfield, OH
Dr. Steven Smith
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Average Rating: 4.73 based on 11 ratings

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Spanish - La Segunda Historia Más Grande Jamás Contada

Spanish - La Segunda Historia Más Grande Jamás Contada

Padre Michael Gaitley, MIC, es un sacerdote de la Congregación de los Padres Marianos de la Inmaculada Concepción. En esta charla, padre Gaitley describe "La Segunda Historia Más Grande Jamás Contada", una historia que abarca la Divina Misericordia, la vida del Beato Papa Juan Pablo II y el papel fundamental que puede desempeñar la Consagración Mariana en su vida.


"Al fin! Una declaración profunda acerca del papel de María en la historia de la salvación y antecedentes y datos que lo verifican!" Dan – Marion, IN
Fr. Michael Gaitley
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What's So Great About Being Catholic?

What's So Great About Being Catholic?

There’s ultimately only one reason to be Catholic: because it’s true. In this outstanding presentation, Jason Evert shows us the beauty and the treasures of the Faith, as revealed through the Saints and Sacraments.

Jason has spoken about the Catholic Faith to more than one million people around the world and is the author of more than a dozen books, including Saint John Paul the Great, Pure Faith and If You Really Loved Me.


I always love hearing stories about Saints. I grew up as a Catholic, and I'm familiar with the "popular" Saints, so listening to these new stories about other Saints was refreshing. Also, the fact that the speaker is not a priest makes it easier to relate. Mario - ESTERO, FL
Jason Evert
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Average Rating: 4.60 based on 43 ratings

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Love Hurts: The Truth Behind Redemptive Suffering

Love Hurts: The Truth Behind Redemptive Suffering

In this presentation, Matthew Leonard focuses on the new idea of love proclaimed by Christ and how it gives meaning to human suffering, penance, and ultimately death. Sounds a bit dark, doesn't it? But it's not! By looking at these issues we'll discover the secret to how we can "Rejoice in the Lord always" just like St. Paul, no matter what happens.


I always wondered if God truly loved us why did he allow us to suffer so much. I understand this now. Are suffering is for our own good. I need to learn from my suffering and become a better person. Not only is this good for me because I learned something but I can also offer this suffering up to God. When I feel I am suffering unjustly I will now look to the cross and offer it up to God and remember this Cd and the lessons I have learned. Thank you I already know who I am sharing it with. Donnamarie - Rio Grande, NJ
Matthew Leonard
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Average Rating: 4.36 based on 22 ratings

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Lent with the Saints - Booklet

Lent with the Saints - Booklet

Meditations and The forty days of Lent provide Christians, and those preparing for baptism, with an intense period of preparation for the ‘Feast of all Feasts’, Easter, the ‘Passover of the Lord’. This collection of sayings and meditations dwells on the central Lenten themes of prayer, conversion, repentance, fasting, almsgiving and self-denial, as lived from apostolic times until the present day. This little companion to private reflection will offer ready sustenance to those setting out on the joyful road to Easter.

Catholic Truth Society
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Average Rating: 4.17 based on 6 ratings

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The Second Greatest Story Ever Told

The Second Greatest Story Ever Told

In this vastly popular talk, Fr. Gaitley describes the "second greatest story ever told" - a story that encompasses Divine Mercy, the life of St. Pope John Paul II, and the crucial role that Marian Consecration can play in your life. Fr. Michael Gaitley is a priest in the Congregation of Marian Fathers of the Immaculate Conception and the director of formation for the Marian Missionaries of Divine Mercy.


The father was very engaging. His talk was well thought out and supported. It really spoke to my personal needs and experience. I have direction on what steps I want to make next. Heather - Westborough, MA
Fr. Michael Gaitley
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Average Rating: 4.61 based on 71 ratings

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Rome Sweet Home

Rome Sweet Home

Scott and Kimberly Hahn have spoken all over the world about their conversion to the Catholic Church. This book tells the story of the incredible spiritual journey that led them to embrace Catholicism. Their conversion and love for the Church has captured the hearts and minds of thousands Catholics and has brought many lukewarm Catholics back into active participation in the Church.

Pages: 188
Book Dimensions: 5.25" x 8"


Praise for Rome Sweet Home:

“One of the beautiful and bright-shining stars in the firmament of hope for our desperate days is this couple and the story of their life and conversion.” 
Dr. Peter Kreeft - Professor of Philosophy at Boston College

“Dynamic, fresh, and devoted are terms which describe the approach that Scott and Kimberly Hahn take to assist in the renewal of the Church in the United States.” 
Archbishop John Myers - Archbishop of Newark, NJ

“The integrity, courage, and intelligence which marked the pilgrimage of these two Christians in response to the claims of the ancient Church are deeply impressive.” 
Thomas Howard - Author of Evangelical is Not Enough


I am presently in RCIA at Prince of Peace in Taylors, SC. This book by Dr. Hahn and his wife, Kimberly, helped me so much, especially since I am converting from Protestantism to Catholicism. I can relate to their own personal struggles as well as their spiritual victories. Awesome!!! Marjorie - Greer, SC
Dr. Scott Hahn
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Average Rating: 4.87 based on 15 ratings

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Meditations on the Stations of the Cross

Meditations on the Stations of the Cross

The stations of the Cross is a devotion and reflection in which we walk alongside Jesus on His way to Calvary. By prayerfully participating in this meditation we are able to clearly see through His passion and death the depths of God's love for mankind and the price He paid for our salvation. This presentation includes powerful meditations by Dr. Ronald Thomas, Assistant Professor of Theology at Belmont Abbey College, with prayer responses by students from the college


Just a CD of the stations... I thought it was going to be a talk about the stations. Ok I suppose.... just not what I expected. Jimmy - Conway, AR
Dr. Ronald Thomas
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Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist

Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist

Dr. Brant Pitre uses the Hebrew Scriptures and Jewish tradition to frame the actions of Jesus at the Last Supper, and to provide a fresh look at the heart of Catholic practice — the Eucharist. By taking us back to the Jewish roots of our faith, Dr. Pitre gives us a powerful lens through which to see anew the bread of the presence, the manna, the Last Supper, and ultimately the meaning of the Eucharist.


As someone trying to learn more about my faith, I enjoyed the clear, simple presentation that I was able to follow easily. I enjoyed it so much I ordered the book. Thank you. Carlos - Austin, TX
Dr. Brant Pitre
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Average Rating: 4.69 based on 59 ratings

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Following the Call of Christ Biblical Stories of Conversion

Following the Call of Christ Biblical Stories of Conversion

Order by April 15, 2019 to get 20% off during our Lent and Easter promotion!

Retail Price for 1 CD: $5.50 
Sale Price for 1 CD: $4.40 

Bishop Robert Barron, one of the great spiritual teachers of our time, presents these biblical stories of true conversion drawing from the riches of scriptural accounts. They were people just like you and me who were called by Christ - Bartimaeus, The Man Born Blind, The Woman at the Well, and Jonah and the Great Fish.


Bishop Robert Barron
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Average Rating: 4.63 based on 24 ratings

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Seven Last Sayings of Christ

Seven Last Sayings of Christ

Spoken as He suffered the agony of the cross, the seven last sayings of Christ recorded in the gospels have been the subject of prayer and inquiry by Christians for two thousand years. In this revealing presentation, Dr. Scott Hahn unlocks for us the deeper significance of Our Lord's last words, carefully chosen so that we might better understand the immense love of God for every person and His plan of salvation. Learn how Jesus' words are as profound and gripping today as when He uttered them on that first Good Friday.


I have been working on my faith and trying to reach closer to our Lord and this CD explained a lot to me. I had never watched the Passion and I watched it this year for the first time and when I listened to this CD it really brought out the sayings for me. Scott Hahn is a wonderful speaker and I would like to get more of his CD's. Nancy - Kiln, MS
Dr. Scott Hahn
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Average Rating: 4.69 based on 52 ratings

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How to Pray the Holy Rosary

How to Pray the Holy Rosary

The Rosary's rich simplicity has provided solace and courage in rocky times for centuries. Now, as new generations of Catholics face war, economic uncertainty, and moral upheaval, the Rosary is needed as much as ever. As interest in this beautiful devotion continues to rise, this pamphlet can be used as an introduction to, or reinforcement of, the power of the Rosary. This attractive and concise guide will instruct and inspire Catholics in the gentle rhythms and fervent hope of the Rosary. (Available only in packets of 50)

Lighthouse Catholic Media
Add Pamphlet | $14.95

Average Rating: 3.29 based on 7 ratings

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How to Make a Good Confession

How to Make a Good Confession

Looking for a simple way to help your parishioners make a good confession? Look no further. This simple and extremely practical guide is indispensable to all parishes and faith communities. In fact, many parishes keep them near the confession lines year round to ensure that everyone has what they need to experience God's profound mercy! (Available only in packets of 50)

Augustine Institute
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Average Rating: 5.00 based on 1 ratings

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The True Meaning of Easter

The True Meaning of Easter

Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen was one of the best-known and best-loved Catholic orators of the twentieth century, reaching millions of Christians of all denominations. Presented here are his timeless reflections on the Passion, Death, and Resurrection of our Lord, combined with Scripture and Gregorian Chant to create a powerful presentation that is sure to become a family favorite.


Bishop Sheen's wisdom and understanding of the Scriptures is truly inspiring and clearer then ever! It really opened my eyes to the beauty, power, and importance Easter has on our Faith. Randy - Oak Grove, MN
Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen
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Average Rating: 4.42 based on 19 ratings

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To Hell and Back : Divine Love and the Cross

To Hell and Back : Divine Love and the Cross

Anne Marie Schmidt grew up in a very devout Catholic family in Czechoslovakia. In this presentation, she shares her incredible experiences of Divine Providence during the infamous Nazi persecution at Auschwitz and on the Russian battlefront. Anne Marie explains how her love for Christ grew through her astounding trials, and how she was led to see the hand of God working in them all.


I came to know the talk on this CD through a neighbouring parish priest. It is so moving how Jesus's commandment to love one another such as he loves us, cited in the very beginning, is turned into true life throughout the whole series of these unimaginable and atrocious situations. Being a parish priest myself in the South East part of Germany near the Czech Republic, I am wondering if anybody knew the name of the village or town where the first massacre reported in the talk took place. Johann - Neustadt/Donau
Anne Marie Schmidt
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Seven Deadly Sins - Seven Lively Virtues

Seven Deadly Sins - Seven Lively Virtues

Join noted Professor of Theology and author, Fr. Robert Barron, in this revealing presentation as he sheds light on the Seven Deadly Sins - those great spiritual blocks that inhibit our relationship with God and others - and the antidote to them, the Seven Lively Virtues! Fr. Barron uses Dante's DIVINE COMEDY to expose these sinful patterns in our lives and show how they are effectively counteracted by the cultivation of virtue through the development of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. This fascinating journey shows the path that God has designed to lead us to health, happiness and holiness.


Thank you. p - OH
Bishop Robert Barron
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Average Rating: 4.76 based on 88 ratings

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The Truth

The Truth

What is the meaning of life? Fr. Larry Richards tackles life's biggest question with straightforward, timeless, and often jolting answers. In this one-of-a-kind, life-affirming reality check, he unlocks the mysteries of our existence and opens our hearts and souls to the meaning of life. The Truth will give you concrete answers on how to live.


Although I am a practicing Catholic, I found Fr. Larry Richards talk so inspiring and learned so much more about my faith. All his stories were wonderful, insightful and brought home the point of dying to self in order to become more like Christ Jesus. I especially loved his prayer surrendering to Jesus which I wrote down. I plan to recite and ultimately memorize as part of my daily prayers to the Lord. Salvatore - Silver Spring, MD
Fr. Larry Richards
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The Passion of Christ In Light of the Holy Shroud of Turin

The Passion of Christ In Light of the Holy Shroud of Turin

The Holy Shroud of Turin was called the greatest relic in Christendom by Pope John Paul II. In fact, the Shroud is the most studied scientific object in the entire world. Fr. Peffley presents new and detailed scientific and medical evidence for the authenticity of the Holy Shroud. This presentation brings greater clarity as to the depth of the agony of our Lord's sorrowful Passion, which he voluntarily took on for love of us.


it was great intresting and very informative. also scientific i haven't heard of the Shroud before. i just got so much from this cd it reavealed a lot to me Brian - Austin, TX
Fr. Francis Peffley
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Average Rating: 4.70 based on 27 ratings

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The Lamb's Supper

The Lamb's Supper

Based on his best-selling book, Dr. Scott Hahn reveals the early Christians' key to understanding the Mass: the Book of Revelation. With its bizarre imagery, mystic visions of Heaven, and end-times prophecies, it mirrors the sacrifice and celebration of the Holy Eucharist. See the Mass with new eyes, pray the Liturgy with a renewed heart, and enter into the Mass more fully and enthusiastically!


I liked learning about he parallels between the stories of the Old and the New Testaments and How the Mass is based off John's vision of heaven in Revelation. I also liked hearing it from the perspective of a very educated Prostestant minister who converted to Catholicism. Marilyn - Middletown, MD
Dr. Scott Hahn
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Average Rating: 4.73 based on 105 ratings

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The Saving Power of Divine Mercy

The Saving Power of Divine Mercy

Pope John Paul II said that Divine Mercy is THE message for the third millennium and God's gift to our time. There is nothing that mankind needs more than Christ's Divine Mercy. To help us avail ourselves of that loving mercy, Fr. Brooks focuses on what we know of God's Mercy, our response to His Love, how we can become merciful to others, and how to become apostles of mercy. 


I was very moved by the explanation of Christ's Divine mercy for us and how it is always there no matter what. Andrea - SAINT MARYS, PA
Fr. Jason Brooks
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Average Rating: 4.43 based on 30 ratings

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Three Days That Changed the World

Three Days That Changed the World

Fr. Perez brings us alongside Jesus in the final hours of His public ministry as He brings to fulfillment the very purpose His Incarnation, the salvation of all mankind. Fr. Perez's detailed insights of those last three days offer a moving look into the loving heart of the Messiah and detailed descriptions of his intense emotional and physical sufferings as they really were. With this knowledge, our hearts can only love him more.


i have listened too quit a few cd,s and never wrote anything but there is just too much good that comes out of people who listen to them.... P.R. - valley center, CA
Fr. Hector R.G. Perez
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Average Rating: 3.78 based on 9 ratings

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Glimpses Along The Way of the Cross

Glimpses Along The Way of the Cross

In these three beautiful talks, Monsignor James Shea guides us along the Stations of the Cross, teaching us how to better open our hearts to the suffering and loneliness of Jesus on His way to Calvary. Weaving together the insights of keen believers like Fr. Richard Neuhaus, Caryll Houselander, Archbishop Fulton Sheen, and Dr. James Edwards, these powerful meditations take us into the depths of Christ's agony, and back out again into the relief and joy of what His sacrifice means for us.


I own 100's of Lighthouse CDs and this is in the top 3. Fr. Shea allows me to walk with Christ through his way of the cross. I have found so many insights into my own life in these images that have tangible actions to change in my life. Each of the stations can be heard alone then meditated on. This is not a lecture nor a cute story it is a wonderful insight into our daily Way of the Cross. G - Arlington, TX
Monsignor James P. Shea
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Average Rating: 4.59 based on 32 ratings

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