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Beloved: Marriage Preparation - Spanish Couple’s Guide (5-Pack)

Augustine Institute

Special FORMED Pricing 

Retail Price Per Guide: $24.95 
Special Price Per Guide: $8.95

This special price is only available to FORMED parishes and must be ordered in increments of 5 study guides. Shipping and handling is not included for orders of 5, 10, or 15 study guides. Free shipping on orders of 20 or more!

Free shipping is available to US parishes only. Orders that qualify for free shipping cannot be placed through this website. Please place your order of 20+ study guides with your local Parish Consultant, or call 866-767-3155.


Están enamorados. En cierta forma son compatibles. Disfrutan del romance y la emoción. Ambos desean pasar el resto de sus vidas juntos. Casarse parece ser lo suficientemente sencillo. Pero…

¿Qué tal si el matrimonio es más que eso? ¿Qué tal si Dios ha entrelazado en el mismo diseño de tu humanidad un deseo, con un propósito, de unirte con otra persona, creando algo misterioso y santa? ¿Qué tal si tu matrimonio está diseñado para ser una parte vital de la obra de Dios en el mundo?

En 12 sesiones, Amado explora el verdadero significado del matrimonio y cómo vivirlo juntos. Aquí descubrirán la realidad espiritual, emocional y práctica más profundas del matrimonio, a través de las Sagradas Escrituras, la Sagrada Tradición, y las enseñanzas de la Iglesia. Verán, en primera instancia, cómo experimentar la maravilla, el misterio y el gozo de este sacramento, de ese primero “sí” que pronuncien, para continuar viviéndolo por el resto de sus vidas.

Esta guía va acompañada de videos, para ayudarles a descubrir:
- Lo que significa el matrimonio de manera personal
- Cómo su matrimonio forma parte de una historia eterna
- La verdad acerca de las uniones y el compromiso de amor
- El plan de Dios para una intimidad espiritual y física verdaderas
- Cómo comunicar y resolver conflictos
- La importancia de sanación y do perdón
- Herramientas para proteger y fortalecer su matrimonio

Muestra del libro.

Also available in English.

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5 Beloved Couple's Guide - Marriage Preparation (Spanish)

Beloved Couple's Guide - Marriage Preparation (Spanish)

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Están enamorados. En cierta forma son compatibles. Disfrutan del romance y la emoción. Ambos desean pasar el resto de sus vidas juntos. Casarse parece ser lo suficientemente sencillo. Pero…

¿Qué tal si el matrimonio es más que eso? ¿Qué tal si Dios ha entrelazado en el mismo diseño de tu humanidad un deseo, con un propósito, de unirte con otra persona, creando algo misterioso y santa? ¿Qué tal si tu matrimonio está diseñado para ser una parte vital de la obra de Dios en el mundo?

En 12 sesiones, Amado explora el verdadero significado del matrimonio y cómo vivirlo juntos. Aquí descubrirán la realidad espiritual, emocional y práctica más profundas del matrimonio, a través de las Sagradas Escrituras, la Sagrada Tradición, y las enseñanzas de la Iglesia. Verán, en primera instancia, cómo experimentar la maravilla, el misterio y el gozo de este sacramento, de ese primero “sí” que pronuncien, para continuar viviéndolo por el resto de sus vidas.

Esta guía va acompañada de videos, para ayudarles a descubrir:
- Lo que significa el matrimonio de manera personal
- Cómo su matrimonio forma parte de una historia eterna
- La verdad acerca de las uniones y el compromiso de amor
- El plan de Dios para una intimidad espiritual y física verdaderas
- Cómo comunicar y resolver conflictos
- La importancia de sanación y do perdón
- Herramientas para proteger y fortalecer su matrimonio

Muestra del libro.


You’re in love. You’re reasonably compatible. There’s a thrill and romance you enjoy. You want to spend the rest of your lives together. Getting married seems straightforward enough. But . . .

What if the Sacrament of Marriage is more than that? What if God has woven into the very design of your humanity a purposeful need and desire to unite you with another, creating something mysterious and holy? What if your marriage is designed to be a vital part of God’s work in the world? 

Click here for a sample of the Study Guide. 


Other Recommended Titles

Beloved: Marriage Preparation - Couple’s Guide (5-Pack)

Beloved: Marriage Preparation - Couple’s Guide (5-Pack)

Special FORMED Pricing 

Retail Price Per Guide: $24.95 
Special Price Per Guide: $8.95

This special price is only available to FORMED parishes and must be ordered in increments of 5 study guides. Shipping and handling is not included for orders of 5, 10, or 15 study guides. Free shipping on orders of 20 or more!

Free shipping is available to US parishes only. Orders that qualify for free shipping cannot be placed through this website. Please place your order of 20+ study guides with your local Parish Consultant, or call 866-767-3155.


You’re in love. You’re reasonably compatible. There’s a thrill and romance you enjoy. You want to spend the rest of your lives together. Getting married seems straightforward enough. But . . .

What if the Sacrament of Marriage is more than that? What if God has woven into the very design of your humanity a purposeful need and desire to unite you with another, creating something mysterious and holy? What if your marriage is designed to be a vital part of God’s work in the world?

In twelve sessions, Beloved explores the true meaning of Marriage and how to live it out together. Here you’ll discover the deepest spiritual, emotional, and practical realities of marriage through Scripture, Tradition, and Church teaching. You’ll see firsthand how to experience the wonder, mystery, and joy of this sacrament—from that first “I do” through the rest of your lives.

Click here for a sample of the Study Guide.

Also available in Spanish.


The Search Parish Participant Guide

The Search Parish Participant Guide

The Search is a seven-part video series for those looking for meaning in life and for the answers to life’s deepest questions.

This Parish Participant Guide is a multi-purpose guide specifically designed to enhance the experience of the individual as well as help a leader facilitate a group. This guide helps a small group to get to know one another on a deeper level, recall key points from the videos, jot down thoughts, and discuss within the group. Its aim is evangelization. Sample here.

"About The Search

Why are we here? What is life all about? What happens when we die? These are some of life’s deepest questions, rooted in the human heart’s deepest desires: happiness, love, beauty, meaning. Where can we find the answers to these questions and these desires? Until satisfied, we are left questioning, longing, and searching.

The Search video series guides viewers through an arc of seven episodes, examining the great big story of everything—life and death, sorrow and happiness, science and faith—as astrophysicists, psychologists, astronauts, neuroscientists, professors, athletes, artists, and the beauty of the cosmos all point to one big (and perhaps surprising) conclusion: that Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church have the best and most satisfying answers to every one of the questions and desires of the human heart.

Embark on the adventure, discover the purpose, and begin The Search.


The Search Participant Guide – Spanish

The Search Participant Guide – Spanish

The Search (Spanish) is a seven-part video series for those looking for meaning in life and for the answers to life’s deepest questions. 

This Parish Participant Guide is specifically designed to accompany the series and facilitate discussion within small co-ed groups—and to spur reflection for individual viewers. Each session in the guide provides participants with prayers, points of discussion, and challenges to help them grow deeper in their relationships with each other, with creation, and with the author of all things.

"About The Search

Why are we here? What is life all about? What happens when we die? These are some of life’s deepest questions, rooted in the human heart’s deepest desires: happiness, love, beauty, meaning. Where can we find the answers to these questions and these desires? Until satisfied, we are left questioning, longing, and searching.

The Search video series guides viewers through an arc of seven episodes, examining the great big story of everything—life and death, sorrow and happiness, science and faith—as astrophysicists, psychologists, astronauts, neuroscientists, professors, athletes, artists, and the beauty of the cosmos all point to one big (and perhaps surprising) conclusion: that Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church have the best and most satisfying answers to every one of the questions and desires of the human heart.

Embark on the adventure, discover the purpose, and begin The Search.


Beloved Couple's Guide - Marriage Enrichment

Beloved Couple's Guide - Marriage Enrichment

So you’ve shared an anniversary or two . . . or twenty . . . and you’ve learned a lot about yourselves and each other through your marriage so far. But what if marriage is more than you think it is?  

Click here for a sample of the Study Guide.

Watch the trailer for Beloved: Finding Happiness in Marriage

What if God has woven into the very fabric of your humanity a purposeful need and desire that can only be fulfilled in your marriage? What if your marriage is designed to be a mysterious, powerful, and vital part of God’s work in the world?

In twelve sessions, Beloved explores the true meaning of the Sacrament of Marriage. Here you’ll discover the deepest spiritual, emotional, and practical realities of what your marriage can and should be. Through an exploration of Scripture, Tradition, and Church teaching, God’s plan for your marriage will come alive. You’ll see firsthand the wonder, mystery, and joy behind that first “I do”—whether you said it last year or many years ago.


"I am a volunteer at a parish in the Detroit Diocese and have been married now for 12 years. I NEVER understood marriage in the way it's been presented on the Beloved DVD's. I want to share this from the rooftops! We have 200 people at our parish who will be going through this program and we're so very excited to grow in our Catholic Faith and strengthen our marriages.” Marie - Sterling Heights, MI

Beloved Couple's Guide - Marriage Preparation

Beloved Couple's Guide - Marriage Preparation

You’re in love. You’re reasonably compatible. There’s a thrill and romance you enjoy. You want to spend the rest of your lives together. Getting married seems straightforward enough. But . . .

What if the Sacrament of Marriage is more than that? What if God has woven into the very design of your humanity a purposeful need and desire to unite you with another, creating something mysterious and holy? What if your marriage is designed to be a vital part of God’s work in the world?

Click here for a sample of the Study Guide.


"I am a volunteer at a parish in the Detroit Diocese and have been married now for 12 years. I NEVER understood marriage in the way it's been presented on the Beloved DVD's. I want to share this from the rooftops! We have 200 people at our parish who will be going through this program and we're so very excited to grow in our Catholic Faith and strengthen our marriages.” Marie - Sterling Heights, MI

Beloved: Marriage Enrichment - Couple’s Guide (5-Pack)

Beloved: Marriage Enrichment - Couple’s Guide (5-Pack)

Special FORMED Pricing 

Retail Price Per Guide: $24.95 
Special Price Per Guide: $8.95

This special price is only available to FORMED parishes and must be ordered in increments of 5 study guides. Shipping and handling is not included for orders of 5, 10, or 15 study guides. Free shipping on orders of 20 or more!

Free shipping is available to US parishes only. Orders that qualify for free shipping cannot be placed through this website. Please place your order of 20+ study guides with your local Parish Consultant, or call 866-767-3155.


So you’ve shared an anniversary or two . . . or twenty . . . and you’ve learned a lot about yourselves and each other through your marriage so far. But what if marriage is more than you think it is?

In twelve sessions, Beloved explores the true meaning of the Sacrament of Marriage. Here you’ll discover the deepest spiritual, emotional, and practical realities of what your marriage can and should be. Through an exploration of Scripture, Tradition, and Church teaching, God’s plan for your marriage will come alive. You’ll see firsthand the wonder, mystery, and joy behind that first “I do”—whether you said it last year or many years ago.

Click here for a sample of the Study Guide.

Also available in Spanish.


How to Pray the Rosary - Booklet

How to Pray the Rosary - Booklet

In this handy little guide, best-selling author Fr. Donald Calloway, MIC, teaches you how to pray the Rosary well and why it matters, addressing issues such as:
• Why pray the Rosary?
• How long should a well-prayed Rosary take?
• What are the graces attached to praying the Rosary?
• How can I become a champion of the Rosary?

Our Lady needs Rosary champions to help bring peace in the world. Will you answer her call to prayer?


Beloved - Leader's Guide (Spanish)

Beloved - Leader's Guide (Spanish)

 ¿Qué sucedería si supieras que el matrimonio es más que un simple contrato entre dos personas, que un romance, que una satisfacción mutua y que una simple atracción? ¿Qué tal si Dios ha entrelazado, en el mismo diseño de la humanidad, un deseo, con el propósito de unir a un hombre y a una mujer en un vinculo que encierra un misterio y que es sagrado?

En 12 sesiones, Amado explora las realidades esenciales del matrimonio, descubriendo los aspectos espirituales, emocionales y prácticas de lo que significa el sacramento para todos aquellos que se preparan para casarse, así como para aquellos que desean alcanzar una vida esponsal más plena. El plan de Dios para el matrimonio se entenderá con más profundidad, a través de la exploración de las Sagradas Escrituras, la Sagrada Tradición y las enseñanzas de la Iglesia.

Esta guía del líder te ayudará a orientar a otros en esta exploración del sacramento, proporcionado herramientas probadas y consejos para hacer de este tiempo, una experiencia informativa, inspiradora y transformadora, a través de:
- El uso efectivo de los videos y guías
- Las preguntas de discusión impactantes
- Una enseñanza detallada
- Una ayuda para preparación al matrimonio
- Una ayuda para clases de enriquecimiento matrimonial y retiros

Muestra del libro.


What would happen if you found out that marriage was more than a simple contract between two persons, a romance, mutual satisfaction or simple attraction? What if God has woven into the very design of humanity a desire with the purpose of uniting a man and woman in a bond that entails a mystery and that is holy?

In twelve sessions, Beloved explores the essential realities of marriage, dealing with the deepest spiritual, emotional, and practical aspects of what the sacrament means for those preparing to get married as well as those who yearn for a richer married life. God’s plan for Marriage will come alive through an exploration of Scripture, Tradition, and Church teaching.

This leader guide will help you guide others in this exploration of the sacrament, providing proven tools and advice to make this time an informative, inspirational, and transformative experience through:
- The effective use of videos and guides
- Impactful discussion questions
- Detailed teaching
- Helps for marriage preparation
- Helps for marriage enrichment classes

Click here for a sample of the Leader Guide.