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Into His Likeness

Dr. Edward Sri

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In the ancient disciple-rabbi relationship, the disciple would follow the rabbi so closely that he would be covered in the dust kicked up from his rabbi’s feet. Thousands of years later, though we walk on roads of pavement and not dust, we are still called to be disciples—to follow our Rabbi, Jesus Christ, so closely that we are covered with his life, changed, and made new.

But this transformation in Christ doesn’t happen overnight. In his newest book, Edward Sri reminds us of two basic truths: First, (A) The truth of our human condition: we are full of many weaknesses, wounds, and sins. And second, (B) The truth of our high calling—we are called to be perfected in God’s love and transformed in Christ. Living as a disciple is all about the process of getting from A to B.

Edward Sri intertwines engaging prose and relatable stories with biblical wisdom and the lives of the saints, demonstrating that transformation in Christ is possible in all ages. We are reminded that the saints were not always perfect, but works in progress—just think of Matthew the tax collector, Paul the persecutor of Christians, and Peter the denier of Christ. Edward Sri reminds us that the earliest disciples are models not of perfection but of a process. And it’s that process that Jesus wants to reproduce in our lives today.

Do you sense that movement in you—that desire to go deeper in your relationship with Christ? Do you have a longing to follow Jesus more closely, to be transformed by him? Do you notice a stirring inside, a longing to love God with all your heart, but feel unsure what steps to take next?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, know that God is the one who has put those yearnings in your soul. He has already given you the heart of a disciple. This book simply aims to help you follow those initial promptings of the Holy Spirit so that you may more intentionally encounter Jesus anew each day and be more disposed to the power of his grace molding you, transforming you ever more into his likeness.

About the Author

Edward Sri, Ph.D., is a well-known author and speaker. He is a founding leader of FOCUS (Fellowship of Catholic University Students), and holds a doctorate from the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas in Rome. He currently serves as a professor of theology and vice president of mission and outreach at the Augustine Institute in Denver, Colorado.

Product Details

208 Pages
Book size: 5.25" x 8"
Published year: 2017

Praise for Into His Likeness

"Too many people have a cold, impersonal faith. In Into His Likeness, Dr. Edward Sri shatters this view and leads us on a breathtaking journey into a personal relationship with Jesus."
Jennifer Fulwiler, author and radio host 

 "Sri offers a roadmap to aid the disciple of Jesus through their lifelong transformation in Christ. Theologically rich and eminently practical, this book provides the basis for hours of fruitful discussion."
Curtis Martin, founder of FOCUS

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Product Details

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– Paperback


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Symbolon: The Catholic Faith Explained


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The Church is the bride whose beauty will speak for itself when the veil is removed. That is what Dr. Sri does in this book that is characterized by his charity and clarity, while revealing the richness and harmony of the Catholic faith.
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A wonderful catechetical resource that can be used for RCIA, faith formation or catechetical groups.
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Product Details

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– 2018
– 240 Pages
– Abridged version of Love Unveiled: The Catholic Faith Explained

About the Author

Dr. Edward Sri is a theologian, international lecturer and author of several bestselling books, such as A Biblical Walk Through of the Mass and Who am I to judge? He is the host of several video formation series, including Symbolon: The Explanation of the Catholic Faith. He is one of the founders, together with Curtis Martin, of FOCUS (Fellowship of Catholic University Students), associate professor at the Augustine Institute and Vice President of Formation for FOCUS. For more information visit www.edwardsri.com.


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Product Details

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The Imitation has come to be seen as the major work of the devotio moderna, which was characterized by psychological insight and an orderly study of the path to contemplation and the love of God. If we could construct a composite picture of all great Christians—Catholic or non-Catholic—of the last five hundred years who found The Imitation substantially beneficial, enlightening, and inspiring, we would need no further proof that familiarity with this great classic is an integral part of a mature spiritual life and even a path to holiness.”

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Praise for Remade for Happiness

Remade for Happiness is a book that succeeds in universally drawing in all readers. There's nobody better than the Venerable Archbishop Sheen in communicating the most important element of life. If you want to have the light of happiness in this life and in the next, then you need to read this book!”

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“‘Look at your heart! It tells the story of why you were made.’ These words by the great Archbishop Fulton Sheen, which sum up our experience of life, also capture the heart of this beautiful book. A must read.”

–Chris Stefanick, Author, and President of Real Life Catholic