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Spanish - Las últimas cuatro cosas: muerte, juicio, cielo e infierno

Fr. Michael Schmitz

P. Mike Schmitz, es uno de los presentadores católicos más reconocidos en el mundo de hoy. En esta presentación aborda cuatro temas muy difíciles, de manera excepcional: muerte, juicio, cielo e infierno. Escucha esta charla y finalmente obtén las respuestas a la pregunta: “¿Qué sucede cuando muero?”

English Translation:
Fr. Mike Schmitz is one of the leading Catholic speakers in the Church today. Fr. Mike tackles four very difficult topics in this exceptional presentation: Death, Judgement, Heaven, and Hell. Listen to this talk and finally get the answers to the question: “What Happens When I Die?”

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Spanish - 13 Razones por las que importas

Spanish - 13 Razones por las que importas

El suicidio es la segunda causa de muerte en adolescentes y jóvenes adultos. A pesar de que hay muchos programas de televisión y reportajes sobre este tema; el suicidio, la depresión, el automutilarse y la soledad siguen siendo temas que difícilmente los adultos hablan con sus hijos.

Noelle Garcia, aborda este tema de manera muy honesta, exponiendo su experiencia personal y con el buen humor que la caracteriza. Brindando un aliento de esperanza a aquellos que luchan por creer (o que conocen a alguien) en la misericordia y el amor de Dios que los está esperando. Recordándoles que tú y tu vida realmente importan.

English Translation:
Suicide is the second-leading cause of death for youth and young adults. Yet despite the many TV shows, movies, and articles on this topic, suicide, depression, self-harm, and loneliness remain difficult subjects for adults of any age to discuss. 

Speaking with honesty, humor, and personal experience, Noelle Garcia tackles these issues head-on, encouraging those who are struggling (or know someone who is) that God's mercy and love are waiting for them; that you, and your life, truly matter.


“La plática es muy entretenida, pero también muy conmovedora. Me hizo reflexionar que no importa lo malo que parezcan las cosas, “siempre hay esperanza”. Todos los que conozco deberían escucharla."

Spanish - Mi relación personal con el Espíritu Santo

Spanish - Mi relación personal con el Espíritu Santo

Mary Carmen López Mota, nos comparte el testimonio de la transformación de su fe y de su vida espiritual mediante la intervención en su vida de la tercera persona de la Santísima Trinidad, el Espíritu Santo.

En esta plática nos presenta quién es el Espíritu Santo y cómo una relación personal con él puede transformar nuestras vidas. También nos invita a dejarnos guiar por Él, para vivir la vida en abundancia que Dios tiene para cada uno de nosotros.

English Translation:

Mary Carmen López Mota shares with us the testimony of the transformation in her faith and in her spiritual life through the intervention of the the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Holy Trinity.

In this talk Mary Carmen introduces us to who the Holy Spirit is and how a personal relationship with him can transform our lives. She also invites us to let ourselves be guided by Him, so to live the abundant life that God has for each one of us.


“Antes pensaba en el Espíritu Santo como un ser lejano y desinteresado de mi vida. Ahora entiendo que Él es mi ayuda hacia la santidad, el gozo y la esperanza que viene de ser hija de Dios.”

Purgatory: Our Forgotten Family

Purgatory: Our Forgotten Family

What is Purgatory? Does it exist? Does it matter? As professor and speaker Dr. Mark Miravalle explains, not only is the doctrine of Purgatory true, and deeply rooted in Sacred Scripture and Tradition, but the practice of offering prayers and sacrifices for the souls of the dead is a critically important responsibility for every member of the Body of Christ—the family of the Church.


The Crisis of Happiness: Hurting, Addicting, & Healing

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At the conclusion of this talk, you will also be able to hear a bonus sample of the CD: Know Your Story: The Love God in the Narrative of Your Life by Sr. Miriam James Heidland, SOLT.

Purchase includes a free MP3 download!


“An excellent talk... engaging, and made me examine my life on a meaningful level. I think this will really help those who are struggling to understand themselves better and seek the healing they need, for them and their loved ones."

Suffering & The Love of God

Suffering & The Love of God

Why would an all-powerful, all-loving God allow suffering and evil in the world? As Fr. Robert Spitzer, S.J., Ph.D. explains, unsatisfying answers to this important question are the #1 reason for atheism today. But by answering this question with logic and love (as well as with scientific, peer-reviewed evidence for the existence of life after death), we can not only answer this question truthfully and satisfactorily, but also teach our fellow Christians how to suffer well, in preparation for the limitless love of God that awaits us in eternity.

This talk was recorded by FOCUS, at SEEK 2013. focus.org

Purchase includes a free MP3 download!


“Fr. Spitzer answered so many of my questions about the existence of God, suffering, life after death. Wow. Just... wow.”

Totally His: Living in the Love of the Father

Totally His: Living in the Love of the Father

Our weaknesses and our wounds can often make us feel inadequate. But as Sr. Bethany Madonna, S.V. illustrates with her insightful humor and profoundly memorable stories, bringing these weaknesses and wounds to God the Father can allow us to become strong with the Father's strength, and to be healed by the Healer. “The Father Himself loves you... He wants to be with you, at every moment; in every suffering, every pain, every desire and longing.”


“Sister Bethany uses a wonderful mix of humorous and heartfelt anecdotes to share the ways we can be closer to God, and His desire for each one of us."

Spanish - La corresponsabilidad con los hispanos

Spanish - La corresponsabilidad con los hispanos

¿Damos limosna o traemos una ofrenda? ¿Conoces el impacto de no entenderlo correctamente? El reconocido orador y teólogo mexicano Luis Soto, nos habla del tema de la corresponsabilidad y de nuestro deber de administrar correctamente los dones que Dios nos dio. Con su forma muy peculiar y directa, a la que ya nos tiene acostumbrados, nos invita a reflexionar sobre la importancia de este tema para el futuro de nuestra Iglesia y de nuestra comunidad hispana.

English Translation:

Do we give alms or bring an offering? Do you know the impact of not understanding it correctly? The renowned Mexican orator and theologian, Luis Soto, speaks to us about the subject of stewardship and our duty to properly administer the gifts that God gives to us. With his peculiar and direct form, to which we are already accustomed, Luis invites us to reflect on the importance of this topic for the future of our Church and our Hispanic community.


“Aprendí del diezmo de una forma muy concreta, verídica y directa. No cabe duda de que en nuestra comunidad latina hay mucho que aprender y difundir.”

13 Reasons Why You Matter

13 Reasons Why You Matter

Suicide is the second-leading cause of death for youth and young adults. Yet despite the many TV shows, movies, and articles on this topic, suicide, depression, self-harm, and loneliness remain difficult subjects for adults of any age to discuss. Speaking with honesty, humor, and personal experience, Noelle Garcia tackles these issues head-on, encouraging those who are struggling (or know someone who is) that God's mercy and love are waiting for them; that you, and your life, truly matter.

Purchase includes a free MP3 download!


Noelle's talk is both highly entertaining and deeply moving. She reminded me that no matter how bad things may seem, there is always hope. Everyone I know needs to hear this.

Customer Comments

“¡Todos necesitan escuchar al P. Schmitz explicar las últimas cuatro cosas! Todos los que escuchen este CD serán cambiados para siempre.”