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St. Dominic Savio: The Schoolboy Saint

Quiet Waters

The Truth to Inspire Series offers children captivating dramatizations of the lives of saints and well-known Marian apparitions in order to teach them about the Catholic Faith. Through St. John Bosco’s mentorship and God’s grace, St. Dominic Savio was able to live a life of holiness, even as a young boy. Hear how St. Dominic blessed those around him with his numerous acts of charity and commitment to God.

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Kids, Saints


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Customer Comments

It’s kind of amazing because there was a little boy who was only five and never gave up his belief in God. Autumn (age 9) - Littleton, CO
I think he is interesting. I want to be a saint, too. Brady (age 7) - Downers Grove, IL
I waited for this talk for a long time. "Death rather than sin" has made a great impact on me since I was a child. Imee - Cypress, CA
An easy to understand story for children to learn how to live the virtue of charity and strive to become saints themselves. Every school-aged child should hear this story! Amy - Wichita, KS
"Born to be a Saint, wiser than most children, fulfilling his dream by the age of fifteen." Norm - Biloxi, MS