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Products in Divine Mercy Themed Products

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The Necessity of Divine Mercy

The Necessity of Divine Mercy

Fr. Chris Alar, MIC, reveals the urgency to live and share the powerful message of Divine Mercy. He explains the basics of the Divine Mercy feast, image, novena, chaplet, and hour of mercy, and how to incorporate them into your spiritual life.


I learned about the indulgence attached to the feast of Divine Mercy, and how praying the caplet for those who have died will benefit them at the time of their death. Judith - Kennewick, WA
Fr. Chris Alar MIC
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Average Rating: 4.95 based on 20 ratings

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7 Secrets of Divine Mercy

7 Secrets of Divine Mercy

Saint John Paul II, Pope Benedict XVI, and Pope Francis have made it clear that Divine Mercy is at the very center of the Christian faith. In this talk, best-selling author Vinny Flynn shares his 7 Secrets of Divine Mercy, and Christ’s message of love for each of us, and for the whole world.


I love everything i can possibly learn about divine mercy. Sometimes it just helps to put the message into simple terms so I can feel more confident in sharing with others. Trayce - Excelsior Springs, MO
Vinny Flynn
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Average Rating: 4.68 based on 22 ratings

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The Second Greatest Story Ever Told

The Second Greatest Story Ever Told

In this vastly popular talk, Fr. Gaitley describes the "second greatest story ever told" - a story that encompasses Divine Mercy, the life of St. Pope John Paul II, and the crucial role that Marian Consecration can play in your life. Fr. Michael Gaitley is a priest in the Congregation of Marian Fathers of the Immaculate Conception and the director of formation for the Marian Missionaries of Divine Mercy.


The father was very engaging. His talk was well thought out and supported. It really spoke to my personal needs and experience. I have direction on what steps I want to make next. Heather - Westborough, MA
Fr. Michael Gaitley
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Average Rating: 4.61 based on 71 ratings

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The Saving Power of Divine Mercy

The Saving Power of Divine Mercy

Pope John Paul II said that Divine Mercy is THE message for the third millennium and God's gift to our time. There is nothing that mankind needs more than Christ's Divine Mercy. To help us avail ourselves of that loving mercy, Fr. Brooks focuses on what we know of God's Mercy, our response to His Love, how we can become merciful to others, and how to become apostles of mercy. 


I was very moved by the explanation of Christ's Divine mercy for us and how it is always there no matter what. Andrea - SAINT MARYS, PA
Fr. Jason Brooks
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Average Rating: 4.43 based on 30 ratings

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