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The Forgiveness of Sins discusses the importance of accepting forgiveness from God, sharing the gift of forgiveness, and how that act must always be centered on the love of Christ. This Knights of Columbus booklet also explains the meaning and implications of sin and the incredible reality of God's love for us.

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“The Lord’s Prayer” unveils the beauty of this great prayer given to us by Jesus Himself. We pray the Our Father but how well do we recognize it as “the summary of the whole gospel,” as Tertullian said? In this Knights of Columbus booklet learn how the Lord’s prayer can help you develop a humble and trusting heart and become more like our Father in Heaven.

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Since the Eucharist is at the center of our faith, we should be able to explain and defend it. Discover the roots of the Eucharist in the Old Testament, the Church’s teaching on the Real Presence and the power of Holy Communion in this Knights of Columbus booklet.

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In order to knowing the meaning of life, we must know our end. “Life Everlasting” explains the end we have in God, and the Catholic belief in eternal life through Christ. This Knights of Columbus booklet also describes the realities of heaven, hell, and purgatory and their biblical support.

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Learn what it means to be a “real man” from God’s perspective. This Knights of Columbus booklet is designed to help men understand their God-given role and to become virtuous soldiers of Christ. Addressing both the challenges and strengthens of masculinity, “Becoming a Real Man of God” helps develop strong, faithful men of God.

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“Human Nature as the Basis of Morality” discusses the foundations of morality. Learn about the natural law, human destiny and God’s plan for our happiness. This Knights of Columbus booklet will help you make sense of concepts such as conscience, free will, love, emotions, and legal freedom, and how they all fit together.

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“The Resurrection of the Body” explains the Catholic perspective of death. Christ transforms the experience of death by linking it to Himself through His Resurrection (His rising from the dead). This Knights of Columbus booklet explains the beauty and power of Christ's conquering of sin and death on our behalf and the incredible implications it has for all humanity.

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“How Catholics Pray to Mary” explains why Catholics believe we not only can, but also should, pray to Jesus through the intercessory help of Mary. Whether you’re looking to understand why Catholics pray to Mary, how to pray to Mary, or to be able to defend this foundational Catholic belief to others, you’ll benefit from this Knights of Columbus booklet.

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Even though the Evangelists do not record one word spoken by Joseph of Nazareth, the Holy Spirit has inspired Christians throughout the ages to love the husband of the Blessed Virgin Mary and foster father of the Son of God. Because of Saint Joseph’s relationship with Jesus and Mary, he enjoys a relationship with the Church that is foundational. Pope John Paul II has noted that Saint Joseph’s ... [More]

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Scriptures talks about the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, but what are they exactly? This Knights of Columbus booklet presents St. Thomas Aquinas’ explanation of these incredible gifts, and will strengthen both your knowledge of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit and your desire for them.

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El psicoterapeuta y diácono Dr. Bob McDonald, da esperanza a cualquier persona que esté tratando de superar o prevenir la ira pecaminosa y sus terribles consecuencias. En esta plática nos ofrece una receta psicológica y espiritual comprobada para superar este mal que nos ata y nos causa dolor. Sus recomendaciones preparan el camino para la sanación, el perdón y la libertad.

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If you can’t say “no” to sexual desires, what is your “yes” worth? Freedom exists for the sake of love. However, the modern idea of it leads to slavery. In this enlightening presentation, Christopher West shows us how authentic sexual freedom can deliver us from the empty promises of “sexual liberation”. Christopher is a popular theologian who specializes in making the dense scholars... [More]

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In 1527, Spanish explorer Cabeza de Vaca led an expedition to Florida. Craig Turner here tells this amazing story — a tale of shipwrecks and slavery, of miracles, battles, apparitions, privations and hardship, of spies and bribery, of human sacrifice, and above all, an astonishing journey through a wilderness that took all but four lives out of three hundred. Those who sought to gain the most fa... [More]

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Jennifer Fulwiler is a popular writer and speaker from Austin, Texas. In this compelling presentation, she recalls her spiritual journey —one which ultimately led her to enter the Catholic Church after having lived a life of atheism. Jennifer is a regular contributor to the National Catholic Register and frequently appears on Catholic radio and EWTN. Her highly anticipated book, Something Other ... [More]

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En esta plática de fe y esperanza el Padre Orejuela nos revela cómo un hombre caído en el vicio fue librado y transformado completamente. Logró conocer la verdadera razón de su existencia por medio de la intercesión de nuestra Santísima madre María, su madre, y otras personas. Dios nuestro creador tiene un plan para cada uno y nos espera con los brazos abiertos, llenos de perdón y miseric... [More]

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Fr. Mike Schmitz is one of the leading speakers to young people in the Church today. In this presentation, he explains how Christians truly become sons and daughters of God the Father for all eternity through the sacrament of Baptism.Following the presentation, Lighthouse Catholic Youth has provided a bonus segment from Fr. Mike that explains the topics of "Infant Baptism" and "No Salvation Outsid... [More]

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Padre Michael Gaitley, MIC, es un sacerdote de la Congregación de los Padres Marianos de la Inmaculada Concepción. En esta charla, padre Gaitley describe "La Segunda Historia Más Grande Jamás Contada", una historia que abarca la Divina Misericordia, la vida del Beato Papa Juan Pablo II y el papel fundamental que puede desempeñar la Consagración Mariana en su vida.

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Lighthouse is proud to present the first full-length film that we have ever produced!We often have ideas of religious life… either kneeling in a convent or out in the streets assisting the poor. While both of these scenes are essential to the life as a sister, "Light of Love" takes a deeper look into understanding the call… the “why” of religious life. By interviewing five sisters from fiv... [More]

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There’s ultimately only one reason to be Catholic: because it’s true. In this outstanding presentation, Jason Evert shows us the beauty and the treasures of the Faith, as revealed through the Saints and Sacraments. Jason has spoken about the Catholic Faith to more than one million people around the world and is the author of more than a dozen books, including Saint John Paul the Great, Pure F... [More]

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*This is the Spanish version of "Rome Sweet Home" by Scott and Kimberley Hahn.Scott and Kimberly Hahn have spoken all over the world about their conversion to the Catholic Church. This book tells the story of their incredible spiritual journey that led them to embrace Catholicism. Their conversion story and love for the Church has captured the hearts and minds of thousands of lukewarm Catholics an... [More]

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