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Products by Dale Ahlquist

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The Incredible Mind of G.K. Chesterton

The Incredible Mind of G.K. Chesterton

Dale Ahlquist, founder of the American Chesterton Society, masterfully presents the genius of Catholic convert and 20th century literary giant G.K. Chesterton. He shares how this “King of Satire” predicted many of the societal ills of our day and pointed out the remedies for them. Discover the wisdom of this literary critic, playwright, novelist, Catholic theologian, and apologist.


Don't understand why we (Catholics) don't hear more about these kind of inspiring individuals who can help us all understand our faith so much better by their simple words and their life example. Thank you also to Bishop Barron for helping make GKC known as such a Pivitol Player! Orest - Sterling Heights, MI
Apologetics, Personal Growth
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Knight of the Holy Ghost

Knight of the Holy Ghost

Who was Gilbert Keith Chesterton?

A rotund man in a cape brandishing a walking stick? Certainly.

A twentieth-century writer? Prolifically.

A great champion and defender of the Christian Faith? Gallantly.

He is known too as the “prince of paradox” and an “apostle of common sense.” Chesterton has lately been enjoying a resurgence in popularity. His name appears on blog posts and news articles alike. His name is spoken more often on college campuses, and schools around the United States are being named after him. Who was this engaging, witty, prophetic man? 

Allow Dale Ahlquist, the president of the American Chesterton Society, to introduce you to him. In a rollicking adventure quite Chestertonian in flavor, Ahlquist captains an expedition of discovery into who this GKC fellow is. He deftly and cleverly explores Chesterton as a man, as a writer, and as a potential saint.

Those curious about Chesterton will have their initial questions answered. Those who might be dubious about Chesterton’s reputation will be challenged to reconsider. Those who consider Chesterton an old friend will be delighted. All will be engaged by amusing anecdotes, plentiful quotations, and a thoughtful study of the life of G. K. Chesterton.

Praise for Knight of the Holy Ghost

Dale Ahlquist is probably the greatest living authority on the life and work of G. K. Chesterton. As such, nobody is better qualified to offer a concise and illuminating overview of Chesterton’s important contribution to contemporary faith and culture.

–Joseph Pearce, Author of Wisdom and Innocence: A Life of G. K. Chesterton

Ahlquist on Chesterton is like Plato on Socrates, or Boswell on Johnson.

New Oxford Review

About the Author

Dale Ahlquist is president of the American Chesterton Society. Through his long running television series, The Apostle of Common Sense, as well as his books and lectures, he has helped bring about a great renewal of interest in the works of G. K. Chesterton. He has authored and contributed to several books on Chesterton, including Common Sense 101: Lessons from G. K. Chesterton,G. K. Chesterton: The Apostle of Common Sense, and In Defense of Sanity: The Best Essays of G. K. Chesterton.

Product Details

– 208 Pages
– Paperback
– 5.25in x 8in
– Released November 2018

Evangelization, Inspirational
Add Book | $16.95

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