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The Case for Jesus: The Biblical and Historical Evidence for Christ

The Case for Jesus: The Biblical and Historical Evidence for Christ

Dr. Brant Pitre, scripture scholar and bestselling author, uses biblical and historical evidence to bolster the “case for Jesus” by exposing the problems with the many false theories that have been introduced over the past hundred years resulting in widespread skepticism about the reliability of Christian faith. He tackles head-on questions like: Were the four Gospels written anonymously? Did Jesus claim to be God? Did Jesus fulfill the Jewish prophecies of the Messiah? and many more.


The historical evidence for the Truth of the Bible and those in it, is a compelling force in addition to faith in the Lord. It is preserved for our dissection to understand the Truth. Knowledge is power for those with a desire to understand and accept the Truth. Sarah - Blythewood, SC
Biblical Truths, Church Teaching, Apologetics
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Average Rating: 4.74 based on 23 ratings

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Confirmation: The Sacrament of Evangelization and Martyrdom

Confirmation: The Sacrament of Evangelization and Martyrdom

Today there is oftentimes a misconception of what the Sacrament of Confirmation is actually for or how it affects our lives. In this talk, Dr. Brant Pitre invites us to better understand the tremendous graces and calling received through this sacrament. He points to various passages in scripture which provide a historical foundation and, through bold witness, challenges us to willingly surrender our lives to Christ. Dr. Brant Pitre is a professor of Sacred Scripture at Notre Dame Seminary in New Orleans, LA.


I am converting to Catholicism and still did not have an exact understanding of what confirmation is, why it is biblical, etc. This talk cleared that up and has me eagerly awaiting my confirmation so I can more boldly proclaim my faith to my family. Emily - King of Prussia, PA
Biblical Truths, Apologetics, Evangelization, Sacraments, Confirmation, Pentecost
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Average Rating: 4.38 based on 13 ratings

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Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist

Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist

Dr. Brant Pitre uses the Hebrew Scriptures and Jewish tradition to frame the actions of Jesus at the Last Supper, and to provide a fresh look at the heart of Catholic practice — the Eucharist. By taking us back to the Jewish roots of our faith, Dr. Pitre gives us a powerful lens through which to see anew the bread of the presence, the manna, the Last Supper, and ultimately the meaning of the Eucharist.


As someone trying to learn more about my faith, I enjoyed the clear, simple presentation that I was able to follow easily. I enjoyed it so much I ordered the book. Thank you. Carlos - Austin, TX
Biblical Truths, Lent & Easter, Sacraments, Eucharist, The Reformation
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Average Rating: 4.69 based on 59 ratings

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Jesus the Bridegroom: The Greatest Love Story Ever Told

Jesus the Bridegroom: The Greatest Love Story Ever Told

Dr. Brant Pitre is an enthusiastic and engaging speaker who regularly lectures throughout the country. In this stunning talk, Dr. Pitre applies his knowledge of the Jewish roots of Christianity to the very heart of the Gospel: the love of Christ. You will learn what it really means to have a “personal relationship” with Jesus Christ as Lord, Savior, and Bridegroom.


Excellent companion to Dr Scott Hahn's talks on covenants. Marcelino - waukegan, IL
Inspirational, Jesus Christ, Personal Growth
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Average Rating: 4.74 based on 31 ratings

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The Jewish Roots of Holy Week

The Jewish Roots of Holy Week

Holy Week is the holiest week of the year. But why do we call the entire week “holy”? Does anything important happen on the days between Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday? Follow Scripture scholar and professor Dr. Brant Pitre as he walks through each of the seven days of Holy Week, and explains how the words and actions of Jesus on the last seven days of His life are deeply significant, relevant, and rooted in the Old Testament. Enter Holy Week and make it your most life-changing week yet.

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Average Rating: 4.78 based on 9 ratings

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The New Eve: Episode 1 of Lectio: Mary

The New Eve: Episode 1 of Lectio: Mary

Prepare for Advent and Christmas! Re-stock your kiosk with 20% off quantities of 5 or more on this Marian title. Offer valid until December 12, 2019 or while supplies last!

This CD was featured as the November 2019 CD of the Month!

Featuring the insightful biblical teaching of Dr. Brant Pitre, this audio presentation of the first episode of Lectio Mary: The Bible and the Mother of God examines what Scripture, the life of Christ, and the early Church fathers reveal about Mary. By closely examining the connections between the Old and New Testaments, Dr. Pitre presents clear and easily understood explanations about the life and identity of Mary, the Mother of God.

Church Teaching, Mary, Lectio: Mary
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Average Rating: 4.80 based on 5 ratings

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Spanish - Jesús y las Raíces Judías de la Eucaristía

Spanish - Jesús y las Raíces Judías de la Eucaristía

El Dr. Brant Pitre utiliza las escrituras hebreas y la tradicion Judia Para explicar las acciones de Jesus en la Ultima Cena y tambien para proporcionarnos una vista nueva del corazon de la pratica Catolica - la Eucaristia. Al llevarnos de regreso a las raices Judias de neustra fe, el Dr. Pitre nos da un lente poderoso por el cual podemos ver nuevamente el pan de la presencia, el mana, la Ultima Cena, y finalmente el significado de la Eucarista.

Lent & Easter, Spanish, The Reformation
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Average Rating: 5.00 based on 3 ratings

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Were the Gospels Anonymous

Were the Gospels Anonymous

Were the gospels really written by Matthew, Mark, Luke and John or are the authors anonymous? Did the stories come to us through some sort of “telephone game” or by way of eye witnesses? It is vital to address the debate over anonymous gospels. If we don’t know who wrote the gospels, then how reliable are the stories written about Jesus? Can we look at the gospels as legitimate historical sources for the life, the death and the resurrection of Jesus? 

Biblical Truths, Evangelization, Jesus Christ, Personal Growth
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Average Rating: 3.50 based on 2 ratings

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