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Spanish - El Relativismo: ¿nos afecta?

Chris Stefanick

Chris Stefanick es un reconocido autor y conferencista internacional, dedicado a inspirar a las personas a vivir una fe viva y contagiosa. En esta charla, aborda el tema del Relativismo con honestidad, validez lógica y con el humor que lo caracteriza. Ofreciéndonos con esto una perspectiva del estatus de la moralidad actual. Definitivamente es un tema importante y polémico, incluso el Papa Benedicto XVI ha afirmado que es el problema más grave y la dictadura más peligrosa que vivimos en la actualidad.

English Translation: RelativismDo you know how it is affecting you?

Chris Stefanick is a renowned international author and lecturer, dedicated to inspiring people to live a lively and contagious faith. In this talk, he addresses the issue of Relativism with honesty, logical validity and with the humor that characterizes it. He offers us a true perspective of the status of current morality. It is definitely an important and controversial issue, as even Pope Benedict XVI has affirmed that it is the most serious of problems and the most dangerous dictatorship that we live in today. This talk is also available in English.

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Apologetics, Evangelization, Spanish, Youth


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The spiritual classic The Imitation of Christ, the second most widely-read spiritual book after the Bible, has had an astonishing impact on the spiritual lives of countless saints, peasants, and popes for centuries. Even today, the soul-searching words of the fifteenth-century cleric Thomas à Kempis continue to resonate, unbounded by time or geography. Drawing on the Bible, the Fathers of the early Church, and medieval mysticism, his four-part treatise shrugs off the allure of the material world, blending beauty and bluntness in a supremely spiritual call-to-arms.

This beautiful translation by Ronald Knox and Michael Oakley is considered by many teachers, writers, and readers to be the best English translation ever, and one that greatly enhances the life-changing insights of Thomas à Kempis.

About the Author

Thomas à Kempis (1379–1471) was born in the diocese of Cologne and educated by the Order of Brothers and Sisters of the Common Life at Deventer, in the Netherlands. He lived for seventy years among the Canons Regular of Windesheim at Mount St. Agnes, a monastery near Zwolle, where he was twice elected superior and once made procurator. He spent his life reading, writing, and copying manuscripts.

About the Translator

Ronald Knox, a convert from Anglicanism and a well-known Catholic priest and author in England from 1920 to 1960, was educated at Eton and Oxford. He translated the Latin Vulgate Bible into English and wrote numerous spiritual books including The Hidden Stream, The Belief of Catholics, Captive Flames, and Pastoral and Occasional Sermons.

Product Details

224 Pages
Book size: 5.25" x 8"
Published year: 2017

Praise for The Imitation of Christ

The Imitation has come to be seen as the major work of the devotio moderna, which was characterized by psychological insight and an orderly study of the path to contemplation and the love of God. If we could construct a composite picture of all great Christians—Catholic or non-Catholic—of the last five hundred years who found The Imitation substantially beneficial, enlightening, and inspiring, we would need no further proof that familiarity with this great classic is an integral part of a mature spiritual life and even a path to holiness.”

–Father Benedict J. Groeschel, C.F.R., Author of Arise from Darkness


Customer Comments

Este es un tema incómodo para discutir con amigos y familiares, pero sin duda es ¡el origen de casi todos los males morales de nuestros días! Tema de suma importancia y tristemente nadie parece darse cuenta de ello. Chris me dio formas concretas y claras para desafiar este modo de pensar y actuar. ¡Gracias por esta charla!
This is an awkward topic to discuss with friends and family, but it is certainly the origin of almost all the moral evils of our day! It is an issue of major importance and sadly no one seems to realize it. Chris gave me concrete and clear ways to challenge this way of thinking and acting. Thanks for this talk!