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The Resurrection of Jesus: Fact or Fiction?

Dr. Steven Smith

Come to grips with “what really happened to Jesus” as Dr. Steven Smith explores Resurrection narratives from the vantage point of each of the four Gospels as well as many of the vital medical details of Roman crucifixion. 

Dr. Steven Smith is a professor of Sacred Scripture at Mount Saint Mary's Seminary, in Emmitsburg, Maryland. Dr. Smith earned his Ph.D from Loyola University in Chicago, where he specialized in the study of the Gospels and their relationship to the Old Testament.

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Biblical Truths, Apologetics, Lent & Easter


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Customer Comments

Incredible! Dr. Smith really covers all the little details regarding the Resurrection to prove what the faithful believes to be true. Joe - Mark Center, OH
Great CD! Dr. Smith answers the question of whether or not Jesus really rose from the dead. This talk serves as a thorough point-by-point response to any doubters. Julie-Sterling, VA
This talk reminds me of the phrase “For those who believe, no explanation is necessary. For those who doubt, no explanation is sufficient." Norm - Biloxi, MS
This talk helps to strengthen one's conviction of Jesus' Resurrection from the dead. Idell - Grand Rapids, MI
Let the facts of our Faith be told. People need to know the reasons to believe Jeff - Conowingo, MD
Very logical explanations of common arguments against the Resurrection. Most inspiring! Vivian - Georgetown, TX
Dr. Smith proves using scripture and tradition of Jewish people the truth of the resurrection without a doubt! Maureen - Spencer, NY
a must listen to talk. Paul
The historical background to the talk was priceless and a foundation for further investigation/reading. Greg - Dunmore, PA
I liked the information this talk provided about Roman crucifixion and about the origin of certain words. It was a good talk to pass on to those who are more factual than spiritual, not to say that those two need to be in competition, but some are more comfortable only in the realm of the former. The speaker was respectful of all theories but it was clear which one her subscribed to, and for that he offered no apology. I liked that. I plan to pass this talk on to my brother, who is drifting away from the church. Jen - Plattsburgh , NY
Dr. Smith provided evidence to support belief in the resurrection being an actual event. He is an interesting speaker. Baton rouge, LA
I enjoyed exploring the other hypotheses from a nonbeliever's perspective and the evidence used in rebuttal to the other four hypotheses; I also enjoyed the related gospel passage about Thomas. Jeff - Ashburn , VA
An excellent CD. A wonderful resource to share with skeptics. Thought-provoking. John
The very scholarly approach to presenting evidence and also how he showed that several viable alternative explanations do not stand up against the facts. It benefited me because now I have more intellectual bases for all that I believe and hold in faith. Anthony - Lindstrom, MN
He was very interesting and easy to understand. I will play this for anyone that would like to talk about this subject - I think it lays a good foundation to build upon. Rachel - Tucson, AZ
Gave concrete facts to assist in belief (even though my name is not Thomas!) Gregory - Fairfield, OH