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How is a diehard agnostic transformed into a fervent apostle of Christ? Fr. Donald Calloway, a former drug dealer, will have you on the edge of your seat as he candidly shares the amazing story of how he was unexpectedly led into the Catholic Faith and to the priesthood by God's grace and the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary. His conversion can be compared to that of St. Augustine. Former... [More]

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Have you ever been asked where Catholic beliefs can be found in the bible? Here is a crash course in history proving that the bible is a Catholic book. Matthew Arnold offers convincing evidence showing that the Church has faithfully proclaimed and preserved the fullness of God's Word down through the centuries. This will provide all the facts you need.

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Dr. Peter Kreeft is a world-renowned philosopher and best-selling author of over 35 books. Drawing from the treasured wisdom of such great spiritual thinkers as St. John of the Cross, Thomas Aquinas, C. S. Lewis, and Cardinal Newman, he helps us to understand why truth trumps everything! Listen as he clearly presents seven undisputable reasons why every person should indeed be Catholic.

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As a medical doctor and licensed psychotherapist, Deacon Dr. Bob McDonald knows very well the deep hunger and inner needs of the human heart. He explains how the Holy Eucharist becomes the core and center of our lives since only Jesus can fill what is lacking within the human spirit that is bruised and broken. Discover the immensity of God's love revealed by His Real Presence.

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De nuevo el Padre Rivas nos hace el gran privilegio de traducir y presentar dos pláticas del Arzobispo Fulton Sheen. Estudiando la Oración de Jesucristo, cómo y cuándo se dedicó a orar, y por quien oró, podemos encontrar guías para nuestra vida de oración. Si ponemos en práctica los consejos de esta charla, podemos alentar nuestra vida de oración y en el proceso cambiar nuestra vida en... [More]

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How great a threat is the occult? In this provocative testimony, former satanist, Betty Brennan shares the story of her remarkable journey from a dark existence of devil worship to the fulfillment of truth in Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church. You will be enlightened by her amazing sojourn, her search for deliverance, and her mission to open the eyes of others to the truth of the devil.

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Based upon his proven and powerful parish mission presentation, Fr. Larry Richards’ talk on Confession has become the #1 talk in North America dealing with the Sacrament of Reconciliation. He is riveting, honest, humorous, very human, and often touchingly gentle. Fr. Larry provides listeners with hope for a closer, healing relationship with Jesus Christ.

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Average Rating: 4.80 based on 79 ratings
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