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The source and summit of the Christian life, the sacramental center for Catholics, is the holy Eucharist. Like Christ, the holy Eucharist is controversial and divisive. When Jesus initially taught crowds of people about the holy Eucharist, many of them left (see the Gospel of John 6:60). Today, the question still comes to us: “will you also go away?” (John 6:67). Is the holy Eucharist actuall... [More]

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How do non-Catholic views of the Eucharist differ from the Catholic belief?If the Eucharist contains the physical presence of Christ’s body and blood, doesn’t that mean Catholics who eat it are cannibals?  Is the Bread of Life discourse in John 6 evidence for the Real Presence? What did the early Church Fathers believe about the Eucharist? In this booklet you’ll find smart, solid answers to... [More]

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As a medical doctor and licensed psychotherapist, Deacon Dr. Bob McDonald knows very well the deep hunger and inner needs of the human heart. He explains how the Holy Eucharist becomes the core and center of our lives since only Jesus can fill what is lacking within the human spirit that is bruised and broken. Discover the immensity of God's love revealed by His Real Presence.

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Since the Eucharist is at the center of our faith, we should be able to explain and defend it. Discover the roots of the Eucharist in the Old Testament, the Church’s teaching on the Real Presence and the power of Holy Communion in this Knights of Columbus booklet.

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In a recent Pew survey, two-thirds of Catholics reported that they did not know or believe in the Church's teaching on the Eucharist. Diving into the writings of early doctors and fathers of the Church, and drawing upon his own experience as a scholar of history, practicing Catholic, and former Protestant, Dr. John Sehorn addresses the “mind-boggling” and difficult truth of Jesus' presence in ... [More]

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Join Monsignor Thomas Richter as he encourages Catholics to become passionate about spreading God’s good news to everyone around us. While the idea of evangelization may sound daunting, Monsignor Richter helps us to understand that evangelization is quite simple. All we need in order to be effective evangelizers is a heart close to Christ. This exciting new talk is a great resource for learning ... [More]

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In this informative and dynamic presentation, Dr. Scott Hahn discusses why the New Evangelization is the greatest priority of the Church at this time, and how we are all called to share our faith. He shows how the Eucharist relates to explaining Jesus' death and resurrection, and how Blessed John Paul II's called for a New Evangelization must be based on the Eucharist.

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Average Rating: 4.77 based on 22 ratings
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Written by a highly respected cardinal and a former head of the Vatican office for worship and sacraments, this book shows how the local Catholic parish in any town has tremendous potential to evangelize its surrounding community. Francis Cardinal Arinze reveals the important roles of both priests and laity in spreading the Gospel within the parish and beyond. This work can help priests to realiz... [More]

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Peter Kreeft provides a look at the nature of Heaven that offers all readers a refreshingly clear, theologically sound, and always fascinating glimpse of that "undiscovered country." Kreeft's engaging and informative account thoughtfully answers such intriguing questions as:- How can we know what Heaven is like? - Will we all be equal in Heaven? - What will we do in Heaven? - Will we know everythi... [More]

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Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta is known throughout the world as a woman totally committed to the Gospel. In the first presentation, she explains the infinite value of God's gift of life; in the second presentation, she emphasizes the Eucharist and our call to imitate Christ by loving each other unconditionally. A bonus segment is provided by Dr. Scott Hahn on Understanding the Eucharist.

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Average Rating: 4.16 based on 19 ratings
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Is faith reasonable?What can we know about God through reason alone? How can we make sense of Christian beliefs that seem to defy logic and science? What can I say to people who claim that the God of the Bible is cruel and irrational? We believe that God is one, and so is his truth. The mysteries he has revealed to the world, the teachings that his Church professes and safeguards, and the conclusi... [More]

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Didn’t the Church persecute Galileo?Aren’t faith and reason two separate and distinct kinds of truth? Why do Christians believe in the biblical creation story when science has disproved it? How can the modern world take religions seriously when they oppose scientific advancements like birth control and stem-cell research? In this booklet you’ll find smart, solid answers to these questions an... [More]

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Pope Francis, in his foreword, states that one of the major themes in the thought of Joseph Ratzinger is the relationship between faith and politics: "His firsthand experience of Nazi totalitarianism led him even as a young student to reflect on the limits of obedience to the state for the sake of the liberty of obeying God."; In support of this, he quotes from one of Ratzinger's texts presented i... [More]

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Family is one of the most important things in the world alongside faith. But how can families live out their faith and prayer lives together? How can we educate our children to be good Catholics for the future? Join Bonnie Landry as she explores who we are as families, what a family’s purpose is, and how parents can keep their children’s hearts close to family and to Jesus.

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Join Mother Miriam as she provides some fun and unique ways for families to have an active prayer life during Lent. Whether it’s saying the rosary, creating a prayer space, or just asking God for your heart's true desires, take a moment to listen to Mother Miriam as she guides us through Lent.

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At age 33, Fr. Damien de Veuster left his mission parish to work among the lepers of the island of Molokai Hawaii. After many years of service to those in dire need, he died there of leprosy at the young age of 49. Like Christ himself, he became rejected for the rejected, a leper for the lepers: something rare in a world that wants to eliminate suffering. The author has updated and revised the tex... [More]

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Click here to read a sample of the book. Though the apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima took place almost a hundred years ago, Our Lady’s call to prayer and penance for the salvation of souls and peace in the world is as relevant now as when first delivered to three Portuguese peasant children in 1917. At the peak of World War I, Our Lady warned us of another possible worldwide conflict, t... [More]

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At a time of lost innocence, the faith of three children inspired thousands and made the world believe in miracles. Mary's messages at Fatima have been promoted by Popes, approved by the Church, and validated by over 70,000 witnesses. Fr. Jason Brooks brings to light why Fatima is regarded by many as the most important spiritual event of the past 100 years. BONUS: Fr. Shanon Collins, retreat maste... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.66 based on 35 ratings
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Jane Brennan, a former member of NOW and former Planned Parenthood volunteer, shares her heart-wrenching story of abortion and subsequent years of depression to her final conversion to the Catholic Church."There is always hope."  Claudia - Black Mountain, NC

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Average Rating: 4.23 based on 13 ratings
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Stephen Ray was raised in a devout, loving, Baptist family. In this presentation, he shares his amazing conversion to Catholicism and explains why he is convinced it is the Church founded by Christ over 2000 years ago.

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Average Rating: 4.84 based on 67 ratings
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