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In this bold, momentous work, Joseph Ratzinger—in his first book written after he became Pope—seeks to salvage the person of Jesus from recent “popular” depictions and to restore Jesus’ true identity as discovered in the Gospels. Through his brilliance as a theologian and his personal conviction as a believer, the Pope shares a rich, compelling, flesh-and-blood portrait of Jesus and in... [More]

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For Christians, Jesus of Nazareth is the Son of God, who died for the sins of the world, and who rose from the dead in triumph over sin and death. For non-Christians, he is almost anything else--a myth, a political revolutionary, a prophet whose teaching was misunderstood or distorted by his followers. Jesus of Nazareth is the Son of God, and no myth, revolutionary, or misunderstood prophet, insi... [More]

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The momentous third and final volume in the Pope's international bestselling Jesus of Nazareth series details the stories of Jesus' infancy and boyhood, and how they are relevant today in the modern world. As the Pope wrote in volume two of this series, he attempts to "develop a way of observing and listening to the Jesus of the Gospels that can indeed lead to the personal encounter and that, thro... [More]

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Dr. Brant Pitre is an enthusiastic and engaging speaker who regularly lectures throughout the country. In this stunning talk, Dr. Pitre applies his knowledge of the Jewish roots of Christianity to the very heart of the Gospel: the love of Christ. You will learn what it really means to have a “personal relationship” with Jesus Christ as Lord, Savior, and Bridegroom.

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Average Rating: 4.74 based on 31 ratings
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Holy Week is the holiest week of the year. But why do we call the entire week “holy”? Does anything important happen on the days between Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday? Follow Scripture scholar and professor Dr. Brant Pitre as he walks through each of the seven days of Holy Week, and explains how the words and actions of Jesus on the last seven days of His life are deeply significant, relevant,... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.78 based on 9 ratings
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Very few people know that Mark Twain (Samuel Clemens) wrote a major work on Joan of Arc. Still fewer know that he considered it not only his most important but also his best work. He spent twelve years in research and many months in France doing archival work and then made several attempts until he felt he finally had the story he wanted to tell. He reached his conclusion about Joan’s unique pla... [More]

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Join General Kevin Chilton, an astronaut who took the Eucharist to space, as he recounts the exciting details and unique life experiences of his time with NASA and the US Air Force. As a kid he dreamt of flying planes but his Catholic faith and his openness to all that God set before him continues to take him farther than he ever dreamt for himself. 

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Get the most out of Advent and Christmas by following along with Bishop Robert Barron's homilies as he unpacks the profound Scripture readings for Liturgical Cycle A.The homilies presented on this CD will correspond to the Scriptures for Sunday Masses throughout Advent and Christmas 2019.

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Average Rating: 4.29 based on 7 ratings
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Get the most out of Advent by following along with Bishop Robert Barron's homilies as he unpacks these profound scripture readings. The homilies presented on this CD will correspond to the Scriptures for Sunday Masses throughout Advent and Christmas 2014:

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Average Rating: 3.60 based on 5 ratings
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Get the most out of Advent and Christmas by following along with Bishop Robert Barron's homilies as he unpacks the profound Scripture readings for Liturgical Cycle C. The readings that correspond to the homilies on this CD were last heard in Advent 2012.

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Average Rating: 4.45 based on 11 ratings
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What does it mean to be a faithful steward? How is stewardship intimately linked with the Eucharist as a response of our faith in God for His many blessings? Fr. John Lanzrath shows us how to develop an attitude of gratitude to grow in grace, incorporate a spirituality of stewardship in every aspect of daily life, and overcome the selfishness that keeps us from recognizing God's gifts.

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Average Rating: 4.40 based on 5 ratings
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Read a sample.In Joy to the World, Dr. Scott Hahn brings the first Noel to new light through his thought-provoking combination of exciting story-telling and penetrating biblical insight. Christmas, as it appears in the New Testament, is the story of a father, a mother, and a child, their relationships, their interactions, their principles, their individual lives, and their life in common. To see t... [More]

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Dr. Timothy Gray is the president of the Augustine Institute and is a well-known Scripture scholar and Catholic speaker. With fascinating detail and examples, Dr. Gray here discusses the profound importance for individuals, and for modern society, of properly observing Sunday as the Lord’s Day by exploring God’s gift of the Sabbath in the Old Testament. He aims to help us reclaim our Sunday fr... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.54 based on 24 ratings
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A collection of Christmas praises in song! Christmas songs, old and new. Bask in the warmth and joy of Christmas with a mixture of traditional and new songs that fill the heart with worship and praise. A wonderful way of remembering Who we celebrate during the holiday season. Songs – What is Christmas – There’s a Song in the Air – What Child is this? – O Come all ye Faithful – Away i... [More]

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Who was Gilbert Keith Chesterton? A rotund man in a cape brandishing a walking stick? Certainly. A twentieth-century writer? Prolifically. A great champion and defender of the Christian Faith? Gallantly. He is known too as the “prince of paradox” and an “apostle of common sense.” Chesterton has lately been enjoying a resurgence in popularity. His name appears on blog posts and news ar... [More]

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People love stories. But when we lose sight of where the story of our life is going, the “narrative” and meaning of our lives becomes confusing to us, and we can lose hope. In this dynamic talk, Sr. Miriam James Heidland, SOLT, renews our sense of hope and wonder (and humor), revealing that the reason we love stories is that we are part of a good story; one that answers the deepest desires and... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.83 based on 12 ratings
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Click here to read book sample. In this collection of retreat talks, the beloved Fr. Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange, O.P., gives us a blueprint for progress in the spiritual life. He particularly focuses on:• The goal of life as supernatural life and love• The obstacles in life brought about by evil and sin• The Lord's redemptive work as the source of the spiritual life• The power of mortifi... [More]

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Por tiempo limitado… Compra la Biblia en un año y obtén aprendiendo a amar a mitad de precio.La Biblia en un año: Tu encuentro diario con Dios. ¡Con tan solo 20 minutos diarios, podrás leer la Biblia completa en tan solo un año! Está organizada con tres lecturas diarias, una del Antiguo Testamento, una de los Libros Sapienciales y una del Nuevo Testamento, de tal manera que puedas recorre... [More]

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Por tiempo limitado… Compra la Biblia en un año y obtén Tengo sed a mitad de precio.La Biblia en un año: Tu encuentro diario con Dios. ¡Con tan solo 20 minutos diarios, podrás leer la Biblia completa en tan solo un año! Está organizada con tres lecturas diarias, una del Antiguo Testamento, una de los Libros Sapienciales y una del Nuevo Testamento, de tal manera que puedas recorrer la Bibl... [More]

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Based on his best-selling book, Dr. Scott Hahn reveals the early Christians' key to understanding the Mass: the Book of Revelation. With its bizarre imagery, mystic visions of Heaven, and end-times prophecies, it mirrors the sacrifice and celebration of the Holy Eucharist. See the Mass with new eyes, pray the Liturgy with a renewed heart, and enter into the Mass more fully and enthusiastically!

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Average Rating: 4.73 based on 105 ratings
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