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VIEW A SAMPLE! The papal encyclical Humanae Vitae (On Human Life) made headlines worldwide. Many talked about the encyclical when it was issued in 1968, but few actually read it. Why is it perhaps the most controversial document in modern Church history? On Human Life combines Humanae Vitae with commentary by popular and respected Catholic authors Mary Eberstadt, James Hitchcock, and Jennifer Fu... [More]

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He was a serious "face" in London's East End. His jackets were tailored to hold his machete and knucklebusters. His drug deals made him wealthy. He nearly killed a man outside a nightclub, but then something extraordinary happened...His powerful story reveals God's mercy and has inspired hundreds of thousands to grow in their faith.

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Él era un rostro reconocido en el Este de Londres. Su ropa era confeccionada a la medida para que pudiera llevar su machete y sus armas. Sus negocios con las drogas lo hicieron millonario. Sin embargo, algo extraordinario sucedió . . . John Pridmore ha compartido su testimonio de conversión en las Jornadas Mundiales de la Juventud y en EWTN. Su historia sobre el poder transformador de Cristo... [More]

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The Sacrament of Reconciliation is an important and wonderful gift of God’s grace to the Church. But, with its many names and many parts, it can sometimes also be hard to understand. Join us as Dr. James Prothro takes us through the sacrament by walking through Jesus’ parable of the prodigal son, who is forgiven and restored through repentance and the love of his merciful father.

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Advent is a time for patience and awaiting the coming of the Lord. While waiting may be difficult to do, Dr. Prothro explains that it is the best way to prepare and what God truly wants from us during this time.  Patience is the penance that we need in order to fully prepare for God and this holy season. This exciting new talk explores different ways that we can prepare our hearts for the com... [More]

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El Santo Rosario es una oración católica muy recomendada para invocar la intercesión de la Bendita Virgen María. Enraizado en la Sagrada Escritura y a veces llamado “el Evangelio en miniatura,” su sencillez lo hace ideal para la meditación privada, la oración comunitaria y las devociones familiares. En esta presentación, la música católica tradicional sirve de fondo para el rezo del S... [More]

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Las religiones ocultas combinan aspectos de ritos Católicos, supersticiones, magia blanca o negra, la Santería, el Vudú, y el satanismo. En una entrevista en los estudios de Radio Guadalupe en Los Ángeles, Rubén Quezada expone los riesgos rituales. Rubén cita desde las Sagradas Escrituras confirmando que estas prácticas están directamente en contra de la Palabra de Dios, y explica por qué... [More]

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The Truth to Inspire Series offers captivating dramatizations for children of the lives of saints and well-known Marian apparitions in order to teach them more about the Catholic Faith. In this presentation hear how the three shepherd children, Lucia, Jacinta, and Francisco, were graced with visits from Our Lady of Fatima.

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The Truth to Inspire Series offers children captivating dramatizations of the lives of saints and well-known Marian apparitions in order to teach them about the Catholic Faith. Through St. John Bosco’s mentorship and God’s grace, St. Dominic Savio was able to live a life of holiness, even as a young boy. Hear how St. Dominic blessed those around him with his numerous acts of charity and commit... [More]

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The Truth to Inspire Series offers children captivating dramatizations of the lives of saints and well-known Marian apparitions to teach them about the Catholic Faith. St. Teresa of Ávila had a fiery personality as a young girl and was often distracted by the world. Despite many temptations, she grew up to be a powerful influence on the Catholic Church. Her determination to follow God’s will is... [More]

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Born a slave in Missouri, Fr. Augustine Tolton became the first African-American priest in the U.S., where he was much loved by the people and showed great priestly zeal. This story of Fr. Tolton’s courage in the face of incredible prejudice within the Church and society will be a source of strength and hope for modern Christians who face persecution for their faith. Also included is an intervie... [More]

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VIEW BOOK SAMPLEThis book is a most helpful and careful guide to anyone who desires to make an Ignatian retreat but is unable to make the Spiritual Exercises in a normal retreat. It is designed for those who want sincerely to place themselves “face to face” with God so as to order their lives along his loving designs. Fr. Ravier was an expert retreat master who gave Ignatian retreats for over ... [More]

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Stephen Ray emphasizes that unless we understand the innate “Jewishness” of Christianity and our Old Testament heritage, we will never fully understand our Faith, the Church, or even salvation itself. These are rooted not only in the early Church, but 2000 years before that, in Abraham. With his infectious enthusiasm, Stephen helps us to learn the deep truths of scripture that God taught throu... [More]

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Stephen Ray was raised in a devout, loving, Baptist family. In this presentation, he shares his amazing conversion to Catholicism and explains why he is convinced it is the Church founded by Christ over 2000 years ago.

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Average Rating: 4.84 based on 67 ratings
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Stephen Ray fue criado en una amorosa y devota familia bautista. En esta presentación nos comparte su sorprendente conversión al catolicismo y nos explica por qué está totalmente convencido que la Iglesia católica es la que Cristo fundó hace 2000 años. English Translation:  Stephen Ray was raised in a devout, loving, Baptist family. In this presentation, he shares his amazing conversion ... [More]

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In this empowering talk, Steve Ray shares what it means to be a Christian in today's world. By examining the lives and martyrdoms of the early Christians and understanding how they transformed the pagan Greco-Roman culture, Steve gives us a blueprint for the New Evangelization. Learn from early Christians how to swim upstream against the current culture and become a witness for Christ.

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Average Rating: 4.30 based on 27 ratings
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Based upon his proven and powerful parish mission presentation, Fr. Larry Richards’ talk on Confession has become the #1 talk in North America dealing with the Sacrament of Reconciliation. He is riveting, honest, humorous, very human, and often touchingly gentle. Fr. Larry provides listeners with hope for a closer, healing relationship with Jesus Christ.

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Average Rating: 4.80 based on 79 ratings
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“How do I know what God wants?” Knowing the will of God can be an intimidating topic for people of all ages. In this talk, Fr. Larry Richards, the founder of The Reason for Our Hope foundation, delves into the process of discernment. With personal stories, practical steps, and sound advice, Fr. Larry encourages all of us to dedicate ourselves to living the life that God has planned for us. It ... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.56 based on 55 ratings
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Inspiring speaker Fr. Larry Richards presents exciting and powerful insights into the history, spirituality, and biblical foundations of the Liturgy of the Eucharist. He opens the door for us to enter more profoundly into this most perfect prayer and unite our offering with that of the priest. This will change the way you experience this most sacred of all mysteries, the source and summit of our ... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.92 based on 66 ratings
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In this inspiring talk, renowned preacher and retreat master Fr. Larry Richards illuminates how the true joy of Christmas is found in the greatest gift ever given – the gift of Jesus Christ to the whole world. With humor, compassion, and clarity, Fr. Larry gets to the heart of the true meaning of Christmas and helps us to better appreciate the immensity of God's love for us as His children.

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Average Rating: 4.33 based on 15 ratings
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What is the meaning of life? Fr. Larry Richards tackles life's biggest question with straightforward, timeless, and often jolting answers. In this one-of-a-kind, life-affirming reality check, he unlocks the mysteries of our existence and opens our hearts and souls to the meaning of life. The Truth will give you concrete answers on how to live.

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Average Rating: 4.69 based on 55 ratings
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Orador inspirador, el Padre Larry Richards, nos presenta una mirada emocionante y poderosa sobre la historia, espiritualidad, y fundamentos bíblicos de la Liturgia de la Eucaristía. El P. Richards nos abre la puerta para que entremos más profundamente en la oración más perfecta y para que unamos nuestra ofrenda a la del sacerdote. Esto cambiará la manera en que vivimos el más sagrado de tod... [More]

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Join Monsignor Thomas Richter as he encourages Catholics to become passionate about spreading God’s good news to everyone around us. While the idea of evangelization may sound daunting, Monsignor Richter helps us to understand that evangelization is quite simple. All we need in order to be effective evangelizers is a heart close to Christ. This exciting new talk is a great resource for learning ... [More]

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This talk is practical. It is for everyone-beginners and masters in the spiritual life. We all know that growth in holiness is largely about growing in trust in our Lord Jesus Christ. But how does one do that realistically? In this talk, Bismarck Diocese Vocations Director Fr. Tom Richter will describe in concrete terms what the interior act of trust looks like, and what we must choose in or... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.78 based on 60 ratings
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El Señor Obispo Jorge Rodríguez STD, Obispo Auxiliar de Denver, nos habla del camino más significativo de todo cristiano y nos explica la necesidad de tener un encuentro personal con Jesucristo. Escucha, de boca del Señor Obispo, sugerencias para tener una vida de amistad íntima con Jesús. Nuestro encuentro con Él, despertará en nosotros el deseo de cumplir la misión que nos confía, la s... [More]

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In this talk, Jesse Romero shares numerous encounters of the stunning power of Christ's presence in the Eucharist in his own life and in the lives of others, and a convincing presentation of history and theology as witnesses to this most incredible mystery and gift! Jesse is a renowned professional Catholic apologist with a Masters in Theology, a retired L.A. Deputy Sheriff, and a former Police O... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.48 based on 27 ratings
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Pertenecemos a la sección de la iglesia conocida como la militante? y debemos evangelizar. Ya no es tiempo de vivir avergonzado del Evangelio de Cristo, sino de extender la Fe de la religión Católica lo más que podamos, mientras nos queda vida. Este CD contiene toda la información apologética, citas bíblicas, y datos importantes sobre las sectas que necesitas.

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Average Rating: 4.67 based on 3 ratings
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Jesse Romero nos demuestra con certidumbre la gran realidad de que Jesucristo siempre fue y sigue siendo la única inspiración de la Sagrada Escritura. El Antiguo Testamento señala la venida de nuestro Rey y Salvador, mientras el Nuevo Testamento cumple con las promesas de nuestros antecedentes. Aprenda una nueva forma de explicar con convicción y claridad que Jesucristo es el Señor.

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Jesse Romero nos explica con la Sagrada Biblia y la Sagrada Tradición el dogma de la Asunción de la Virgen. La Madre de Dios, después de su vida terrenal fue elevada en cuerpo y alma a la gloria celestial. El saber que María ya está en el Cielo en cuerpo y alma, como se nos ha prometido a los que hacemos la voluntad de Dios, nos renueva la esperanza en nuestra futura inmortalidad y felicidad ... [More]

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Con elocuencia y claridad, Jesse Romero describe los errores de las sectas Protestantes, y también motiva al público Católico a practicar su fe abiertamente. También nos motiva a hacer obras de caridad y a frecuentar los Sacramentos. En esta charla, Jesse nos hace valorar el regalo que Dios nos quiso dar en la Iglesia Católica, y nos sitúa en la realidad de Su Presencia.

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Jesse Romero da respuestas concretas y bíblicas a las 50 preguntas más comunes que hacen los Protestantes. Por ejemplo: ¿Tiene la Iglesia la autoridad de Cristo? ¿Porque necesitamos un Papa? ¿Porque los Católicos bautizan a los niños? ¿Es verdad que los católicos adoran a la Virgen? Este tipo de preguntas son contestada, y otras cuarenta y cinco mas las cuales nos preguntan los hermanos s... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.86 based on 7 ratings
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En esta plática Jesse Romero habla de las verdaderas raíces de la Santa Iglesia Católica y Apostólica y la compara con las miles de sectas en los Estados Unidos. La falta de conocimiento de las verdades básicas  es la razón por la cual la gente se va de la Iglesia. Su propósito es traerlas de nuevo al seno de la Iglesia y reunirnos con nuestros hermanos separados. La mejor defensa de la Fe... [More]

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If you ever feel bored at Mass or think that you don't get much out of it, this talk is for you. Most Reverend Alexander K. Sample, Archbishop of Portland, provides theological and practical reasons why we need to come to a deeper understanding of the nature of the Mass. By understanding the Mass as a sacrifice and a sacred banquet, we can tap into the transforming power offered whenever we wors... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.71 based on 14 ratings
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This item is currently out of stock.In a time when technology penetrates our lives in so many ways and materialism exerts such a powerful influence over us, Cardinal Robert Sarah presents a bold book about the strength of silence. The modern world generates so much noise, he says, that seeking moments of silence has become both harder and more necessary than ever before. Silence is the indispensa... [More]

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Fathers are the link between heaven and earth, and are intended to be an image of our Heavenly Father. Drawing on the examples of St. Joseph, Devin Schadt shows us how to become a father on earth like the Father in heaven. Devin is a husband, a father of five, and the co-founder of the Fathers of St. Joseph, an apostolate dedicated to the renewal of authentic fatherhood.

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Average Rating: 4.36 based on 11 ratings
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Anne Marie Schmidt grew up in a very devout Catholic family in Czechoslovakia. In this presentation, she shares her incredible experiences of Divine Providence during the infamous Nazi persecution at Auschwitz and on the Russian battlefront. Anne Marie explains how her love for Christ grew through her astounding trials, and how she was led to see the hand of God working in them all.

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Fr. Mike Schmitz tackles some of the most difficult topics in the Church today with humor, clarity, and theological truth. In this talk, he challenges us to not settle for mediocrity and to allow Christ to change our lives. Fr. Mike goes on to explain that once we are changed by the love of Jesus, then together we can change the world.

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Average Rating: 4.76 based on 25 ratings
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Fr. Mike Schmitz is one of the leading speakers to young people in the Church today. In this presentation, he explains how Christians truly become sons and daughters of God the Father for all eternity through the sacrament of Baptism.Following the presentation, Lighthouse Catholic Youth has provided a bonus segment from Fr. Mike that explains the topics of "Infant Baptism" and "No Salvation Outsid... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.81 based on 21 ratings
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Fr. Mike Schmitz, one of the leading presenters in the Church today, speaks powerfully about the Sacrament of Reconciliation. He makes clear the truth that Christ deeply loves and wants to encounter each of us as we are, with all our imperfections. Fr. Mike debunks the lies we often believe about not being good enough to approach Jesus, and he draws upon Scripture to explain rationally why we go t... [More]

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Fr. Mike Schmitz is one of the leading Catholic speakers in the Church today. Fr. Mike tackles four very difficult topics in this exceptional presentation: Death, Judgement, Heaven, and Hell. Listen to this talk and finally get the answers to the question: "What Happens When I Die?" Following the main presentation is a bonus from the talk Purgatory: Holy Fire by Dr. Scott Hahn. This bonus is par... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.59 based on 39 ratings
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Father Michael Schmitz tackles some of the most difficult topics in the Church today. With compassion, clarity, and humor, he shows that the Church's teachings on contraception and same-sex attraction are rooted in the yearnings for authentic love that is shared by all, who are made in the image and likeness of God.

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Average Rating: 4.69 based on 77 ratings
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Fr. Michael Schmitz, a renown and beloved speaker and spiritual guide to the Young Church, discusses the all-important topic of God's existence. Armed with his usual repertoire of lively humor and sound philosophy, Fr. Mike reveals the incredible implications of the question which Christ asks all of us: "Who do YOU say that I Am?"

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Average Rating: 4.80 based on 56 ratings
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With so much technology at our fingertips, it's tough not to get swept away in all the noise and clutter. In our society there's often a tendency to live passively by simply "going with the flow." In this talk given at a FOCUS national conference, Fr. Mike Schmitz explains how we need to live an intentionally Christian life within a technological age. 

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Average Rating: 4.27 based on 11 ratings
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Fr. Mike Schmitz shares important insights on the meaning of Christ’s Cross. He shows how God’s rescue mission for us includes the need for each person to embrace his own cross in order to reestablish trust in the Father and the understanding that love requires sacrifice. It also includes a bonus segment on Stations of the Cross, which features reflections on the Lord’s Passion and Death, ac... [More]

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View book sample Father Michael Schmitz addresses the teachings of the Catholic Church on the issue of same-sex attraction. With compassion and clarity, he shows that the Church’s teachings are rooted in the yearnings for authentic love that are shared by all who are made in the image and likeness of God. With his trademark fresh and engaging style, Fr. Schmitz addresses:  • Different typ... [More]

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El P. Mike nos comparte pensamientos profundos sobre el significado de la Cruz de Cristo. Nos muestra cómo la misión salvadora de Cristo incluye también que cada uno de nosotros abrace su cruz personal, para restablecer la confianza en el Padre y entender que el amor requiere sacrificio. English Translation: Love - Sacrifice - Trust: He Showed Us the Way Fr. Mike Schmitz shares important ... [More]

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P. Mike Schmitz, es uno de los presentadores católicos más reconocidos en el mundo de hoy. En esta presentación aborda cuatro temas muy difíciles, de manera excepcional: muerte, juicio, cielo e infierno. Escucha esta charla y finalmente obtén las respuestas a la pregunta: “¿Qué sucede cuando muero?” English Translation: Fr. Mike Schmitz is one of the leading Catholic speakers in the Ch... [More]

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Padre Mike Schmitz, director del Ministerio de la Juventud y Jóvenes Adultos en la Diócesis de Duluth, nos inspira y educa con estas pláticas sobre la forma de adoración más elevada: la Misa. A través de estas tres homilías él nos da una profunda reflexión con historias vibrantes de las Escrituras. El Padre Mike asegura de que nunca vas a experimentar la Misa de la misma manera otra vez.

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It is through the Sacrament of Confirmation that a Catholic is fully initiated into the Church. Why then do so many newly confirmed Catholics never come back? In this talk, Fr. Mike Schmitz addresses this concerning trend in the Catholic Church with honesty, energy, and humor. Focusing on the true nature of Confirmation, Fr. Mike challenges ALL Catholics to see this sacrament not as a "graduation"... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.65 based on 34 ratings
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In a recent Pew survey, two-thirds of Catholics reported that they did not know or believe in the Church's teaching on the Eucharist. Diving into the writings of early doctors and fathers of the Church, and drawing upon his own experience as a scholar of history, practicing Catholic, and former Protestant, Dr. John Sehorn addresses the “mind-boggling” and difficult truth of Jesus' presence in ... [More]

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The vast majority of human beings believe in a higher power, but few can clearly and articulately explain what they believe in or why. When it comes to explaining one's beliefs, most rely on intuition or personal experience, relegating faith to the realm of subjective judgment as opposed to objective truth. In Going Deeper: A Reasoned Exploration of God and Truth, Leo Severino presents a systemati... [More]

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