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At a time of lost innocence, the faith of three children inspired thousands and made the world believe in miracles. Mary's messages at Fatima have been promoted by Popes, approved by the Church, and validated by over 70,000 witnesses. Fr. Jason Brooks brings to light why Fatima is regarded by many as the most important spiritual event of the past 100 years. BONUS: Fr. Shanon Collins, retreat maste... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.66 based on 35 ratings
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Mary Vogrinc shares wisdom from her journey in faith as a wife to her husband Brian, mother of five sons, and foster mother of 54 children through the years. With humor and insight, she relates heartwarming personal stories that testify to Gods continual presence in the details and challenges of daily life and that like our Blessed Mother, we can trust Him completely.

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Average Rating: 4.14 based on 14 ratings
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The stations of the Cross is a devotion and reflection in which we walk alongside Jesus on His way to Calvary. By prayerfully participating in this meditation we are able to clearly see through His passion and death the depths of God's love for mankind and the price He paid for our salvation. This presentation includes powerful meditations by Dr. Ronald Thomas, Assistant Professor of Theology at B... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.00 based on 4 ratings
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In this highly relevant talk, Fr. Robert Barron shares observations from his dialogue with critics of his You Tube videos. He eloquently illustrates how well equipped our Catholic intellectual tradition is to access and clarify the confusion that is so prevalent in our culture about matters of Christian faith and life.

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Average Rating: 4.59 based on 17 ratings
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Dr. Brant Pitre uses the Hebrew Scriptures and Jewish tradition to frame the actions of Jesus at the Last Supper, and to provide a fresh look at the heart of Catholic practice — the Eucharist. By taking us back to the Jewish roots of our faith, Dr. Pitre gives us a powerful lens through which to see anew the bread of the presence, the manna, the Last Supper, and ultimately the meaning of the Euc... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.69 based on 59 ratings
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El padre Ernesto María Caro nos ayuda a comprender en profundidad lo que significa rezar el Ave María. Analiza las palabras del Ave María frase por frase y destaca también la importancia de la oración en el Rosario. Estas reflexiones nos ayudarán a regocijarnos, en la oportunidad que Dios nos ha dado al rezar esta oración. English Translation: The Hail Mary Prayer Fr. Ernesto Maria Caro h... [More]

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Average Rating: 5.00 based on 3 ratings
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Good relationships and marriages are of vital importance to individuals, the Church and society overall, but real effort and wisdom are indispensible to making them strong and lasting. In this focused presentation Dr. Scott Hahn shares key principles that he has lived out in his own life. His advice is practical and challenging and sometimes requires sacrifice, but it is sure to bear goo... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.52 based on 21 ratings
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Order by April 15, 2019 to get 20% off during our Lent and Easter promotion!Retail Price for 1 CD: $5.50 Sale Price for 1 CD: $4.40  Bishop Robert Barron, one of the great spiritual teachers of our time, presents these biblical stories of true conversion drawing from the riches of scriptural accounts. They were people just like you and me who were called by Christ - Bartimaeus, The Man... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.63 based on 24 ratings
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Dr. Scott Hahn takes us through the awesome grandeur of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, from the entrance song to the dismissal. With great clarity, he takes us through a basic outline of the structure of the Mass, explaining how the Sacred Liturgy transforms the ordinary into the extraordinary and the earthly into the heavenly. A must-have for every Catholic and non-Catholic who wants to know wha... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.42 based on 48 ratings
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Bernard Nathanson was an American medical doctor from New York who helped to found the National Abortion Rights Action League, but then later became an acclaimed pro-life activist. He gained national attention by becoming one of the founding members of the National Abortion Rights Action League, now known as NARAL Pro-Choice America. He worked with Betty Friedan and others for the legalization of... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.20 based on 46 ratings
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Based on his powerful book, Allen Hunt shares the insights and details of his 15-year journey into the Catholic Church.  In 2007, Allen stepped aside as pastor of a Methodist congregation that served more than 15,000 persons each week.  He entered the Catholic Church in 2008.  His daily talk radio show is heard by over half a million listeners and is syndicated on 140 stations nationwide.

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Average Rating: 4.32 based on 31 ratings
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Jeff Cavins explores and responds to some of the reasons why so many people have left the Catholic Church for evangelical Christianity. As he presents the story of his return to Catholicism, Cavins also builds a case for why the Catholic Church is the Church founded by Christ.

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Average Rating: 4.58 based on 71 ratings
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Dr. Edward Sri is a nationally sought Catholic speaker who appears regularly on EWTN, and is a founding leader of FOCUS (Fellowship of Catholic University Students). In this discussion of his book The New Rosary in Scripture: Biblical Insights on Praying the Twenty Mysteries (Servant Books), Dr. Sri shares Pope Saint John Paul II's practical strategies for praying the Rosary better, so that y... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.40 based on 40 ratings
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Fr. Goldmann was drafted into Hitler's army while he was still a seminarian, and later assigned to the dreaded S.S. Throughout World War II he remained faithful to his Catholic convictions, proclaiming the faith to his Nazi countrymen.  From his wartime ordination to his construction of a prison chapel, this thrilling true-life adventure is an inspirational testimony to God's providence and the p... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.66 based on 29 ratings
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Kitty Cleveland gives a stirring testimony which takes us all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court. Kitty has appeared five times as a guest on EWTN's "Life on the Rock" television series; her music is being used in their new television series "The Faithful Traveler"; and she has appeared in concert and as a keynote speaker throughout the world. Following her presentation are nine songs, including th... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.59 based on 17 ratings
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For those who aren't Catholic, it may not be apparent why one should embrace the Catholic Faith. In this inspiring presentation, bestselling author Patrick Madrid gives compelling biblical and historical reasons for why he embraces the faith as a lifelong Catholic. He shares valuable insights into the beauty of the Catholic Church and its claim to contain the fullness of the deposit of faith given... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.70 based on 74 ratings
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Johnnette Benkovic shares her conversion back to Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church and the struggles that came when her husband didn't share her faith. She explains how the Lord blessed her in unexpected ways and, through the promptings of His Holy Spirit, showed her how she could better love her spouse through it all.

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Average Rating: 4.62 based on 34 ratings
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The intercession of our Blessed Mother is especially important for our troubled times. St. Louis de Montfort's classic work on Marian consecration, True Devotion to Mary, provides a well-trod path to the profound graces that the Lord offers through Mary's prayers for those who trust in her intercession. In this presentation, Fr. Lance Harlow offers clear and insightful commentary drawn from the Sa... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.55 based on 22 ratings
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Spoken as He suffered the agony of the cross, the seven last sayings of Christ recorded in the gospels have been the subject of prayer and inquiry by Christians for two thousand years. In this revealing presentation, Dr. Scott Hahn unlocks for us the deeper significance of Our Lord's last words, carefully chosen so that we might better understand the immense love of God for every person and His pl... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.69 based on 52 ratings
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El Monseñor Jorge De los Santos nos comunica los retos de la familia y hace una comparación entre lo que es la familia y la religiosidad hispana. Si se quiebra la familia, se quiebra la sociedad y la Iglesia y el mundo porque la familia es la base de todo. El objetivo de esta plática es despertar el conocimiento sobre los riesgos que estamos corriendo y la importancia de la formación de la fam... [More]

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Average Rating: 3.67 based on 3 ratings
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