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Beloved (8)
Experience the deeper meaning behind "I Do"... whether you said it last year or many years ago!

 ¿Qué sucedería si supieras que el matrimonio es más que un simple contrato entre dos personas, que un romance, que una satisfacción mutua y que una simple atracción? ¿Qué tal si Dios ha entrelazado, en el mismo diseño de la humanidad, un deseo, con el propósito de unir a un hombre y a una mujer en un vinculo que encierra un misterio y que es sagrado? En 12 sesiones, Amado explora las ... [More]

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So you’ve shared an anniversary or two . . . or twenty . . . and you’ve learned a lot about yourselves and each other through your marriage so far. But what if marriage is more than you think it is?   Click here for a sample of the Study Guide. Watch the trailer for Beloved: Finding Happiness in MarriageWhat if God has woven into the very fabric of your humanity a purposeful need and des... [More]

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You’re in love. You’re reasonably compatible. There’s a thrill and romance you enjoy. You want to spend the rest of your lives together. Getting married seems straightforward enough. But . . .What if the Sacrament of Marriage is more than that? What if God has woven into the very design of your humanity a purposeful need and desire to unite you with another, creating something mysterious and... [More]

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This kit includes the English only Beloved DVD set. Click here to purchase the Beloved DVD set with Spanish dubbed audio. This Couple’s Kit for Marriage Enrichment includes everything a couple needs to experience the full power of Beloved— the six-DVD set plus two Couple’s Guides for Marriage Enrichment. Click here for a sample of the Study Guide. Watch the trailer for Beloved: Findin... [More]

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This kit includes the English only Beloved DVD set. Click here to purchase the Beloved DVD set with Spanish dubbed audio. This Couple’s Kit for Marriage Preparation includes everything a couple needs to experience the full power of Beloved—the six-DVD set plus two Couple’s Guides for Marriage Preparation. Click here for a sample of the Study Guide. Watch the trailer for Beloved: Find... [More]

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This is the English only Beloved DVD set. Click here to purchase Beloved with Spanish dubbed audio. What if Marriage is more than you think it is? What if, woven into the very fabric of your humanity, is a purposeful desire placed there by God that will play a vital part in his work in the world? No matter how long you’ve been married, it’s always a good time to discover the deepest s... [More]

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This is the English only Beloved DVD set. Click here to purchase Beloved with Spanish dubbed audio. What if the Sacrament of Marriage is more than a simple contract between two people, based on romance, mutual fulfillment, and basic attraction? What if woven into the very design of your humanity is a purposeful desire for you to be united with your beloved, creating something new, myster... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.41 based on 17 ratings
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Beloved is now available with Spanish audio!This special Spanish/English Parish Edition DVD set contains all the sessions of the standard Parish Edition set but also offers Spanish as a language option in the DVD menu. Now you can watch Beloved in English or with Spanish dubbed audio. What if the Sacrament of Marriage is more than a simple contract between two people, based on romance, mutual ful... [More]

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The Roman Catholic Church has long been the target of suspicion and hostility. But how much of this is based on ignorance and prejudice and how much is the fruit of thoughtful consideration of the facts? This book separates fact from fiction. Without excusing or justifying wrongdoing, author Christopher Kaczor clarifies official Catholic teaching and demonstrates that much popular opinion about... [More]

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Average Rating: 3.58 based on 12 ratings
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Saint John Paul II, Pope Benedict XVI, and Pope Francis have made it clear that Divine Mercy is at the very center of the Christian faith. In this talk, best-selling author Vinny Flynn shares his 7 Secrets of Divine Mercy, and Christ’s message of love for each of us, and for the whole world.

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Average Rating: 4.68 based on 22 ratings
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Click here to read a sample. God is to be found in the simplest of our daily activities and especially through total surrender to whatever is his will for each of us. That is the message of this 18th-century inspirational classic by Jean-Pierre de Caussade. Its encouragement to “live in the present moment,” accepting everyday obstacles with faith, humility, and love, has guided generations of... [More]

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In this informative talk, Dr. Scott Hahn explores some of the most important beliefs that distinguish Christianity from Islam. He explains that while both religions trace themselves back to Abraham, the differences, including our understanding of God as Father, are not insignificant. With charity, balance, and candor, Dr. Hahn shows us how Islam presents the most formidable challenge to Chris... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.55 based on 115 ratings
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This is the English only Beloved DVD set. Click here to purchase Beloved with Spanish dubbed audio. What if the Sacrament of Marriage is more than a simple contract between two people, based on romance, mutual fulfillment, and basic attraction? What if woven into the very design of your humanity is a purposeful desire for you to be united with your beloved, creating something new, myster... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.41 based on 17 ratings
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Beloved is now available with Spanish audio!This special Spanish/English Parish Edition DVD set contains all the sessions of the standard Parish Edition set but also offers Spanish as a language option in the DVD menu. Now you can watch Beloved in English or with Spanish dubbed audio. What if the Sacrament of Marriage is more than a simple contract between two people, based on romance, mutual ful... [More]

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Fr. Mike Schmitz tackles some of the most difficult topics in the Church today with humor, clarity, and theological truth. In this talk, he challenges us to not settle for mediocrity and to allow Christ to change our lives. Fr. Mike goes on to explain that once we are changed by the love of Jesus, then together we can change the world.

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Average Rating: 4.76 based on 25 ratings
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One Year. 20 Minutes a Day. Encounter the Power and Wonder of God’s Word. It’s a mountaintop experience if you can open up the Word of God. It’s majestic, it’s beautiful, it’s breathtaking. It gets us out of our day-to-day and into God.The simple format of this premium, flexible, leather-bound version of Bible in a Year will keep you engaged as you make your way through all 73 books of t... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.53 based on 15 ratings
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Tu encuentro diario con Dios Con La Biblia en un año: Tu encuentro diario con Dios, ¡podrás leer la Biblia completa en tan solo un año! Está organizada con tres lecturas diarias, una del Antiguo Testamento, una de los Libros Sapienciales y una del Nuevo Testamento, de tal manera que puedas recorrer la Biblia entera. Además, una breve pero profunda reflexión te ayudará a orar y a poner la... [More]

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In this practical but spiritual presentation, Dr. Gregory Popcak discusses four keys to develop self-awareness and self mastery. He reveals that emotions are a gift from God and that they can help you grow in virtue. Learn how to master your feelings and calm your emotional storms so that you can experience the peace of Christ.

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Average Rating: 4.38 based on 13 ratings
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Click here to read a sample. Saint Ignatius Loyola, the founder of the Jesuits, espoused the ideal of becoming “contemplatives in action.” He was convinced that contemplation (the deep awareness and appropriation of the unconditional love of God) should affect our actions, and that our actions need to be brought back to contemplation. These are five dimensions of the spiritual life:  &n... [More]

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View book sample The spiritual classic The Imitation of Christ, the second most widely-read spiritual book after the Bible, has had an astonishing impact on the spiritual lives of countless saints, peasants, and popes for centuries. Even today, the soul-searching words of the fifteenth-century cleric Thomas à Kempis continue to resonate, unbounded by time or geography. Drawing on the Bible, the ... [More]

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Average Rating: 3.86 based on 7 ratings
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These prayers and meditations offer couples a ready, thorough and reliable support to the daily challenges and joys of married life. Drawing on Scripture, Catholic teaching and spirituality and the Marriage Rite itself, this prayer book encourages the loving and spiritual dimension essential to the life of Christian spouses.

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Is Baptism a traditional rite, an important symbol, an excuse to celebrate the arrival of a baby with a family photo op? What if there is a lot more to Baptism than you may realize? What if your child’s spiritual life, happiness, and future hinges on what happens in Baptism?Watch the trailer for Reborn nowReborn: You, Your Child, and the Heart of Baptism (Home Edition) is a new three-DVD video s... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.67 based on 3 ratings
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In this dynamic talk Dr. Scott Hahn explains the importance of oaths, which invoke God’s name and implore His assistance. He shows that oaths are also the means of transforming our personal relationship with Christ into a covenant relationship. Dr. Hahn then explains what led him to move from believing in only two Sacraments to all seven. In sharing these insights, he connects oaths to the seven... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.77 based on 13 ratings
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Retail: $16.95Special web store price: $11.53How do we talk about morality in a world that no longer believes in truth? When we’re bombarded with messages of “Be tolerant!” “Don’t judge!” and “Coexist!” many good people feel afraid to say anything is right or wrong anymore. This book gives us an important key to responding to relativism effectively—a Catholic moral worldvie... [More]

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Click here to read a sample of the book. Peter Kreeft uses Scripture to provide God’s profound answers to the most common and important questions young people ask about the deeper meaning of life, their own identities, overcoming failure and temptation, the mystery of God’s love, and much more. But these are questions asked not just by the young—they are the same questions adults often... [More]

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Your daily encounter with God.

One Year. 20 Minutes a Day. Encounter the Power and Wonder of God’s Word. It’s a mountaintop experience if you can open up the Word of God. It’s majestic, it’s beautiful, it’s breathtaking. It gets us out of our day-to-day and into God.The simple format of this premium, flexible, leather-bound version of Bible in a Year will keep you engaged as you make your way through all 73 books of t... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.53 based on 15 ratings
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Tu encuentro diario con Dios Con La Biblia en un año: Tu encuentro diario con Dios, ¡podrás leer la Biblia completa en tan solo un año! Está organizada con tres lecturas diarias, una del Antiguo Testamento, una de los Libros Sapienciales y una del Nuevo Testamento, de tal manera que puedas recorrer la Biblia entera. Además, una breve pero profunda reflexión te ayudará a orar y a poner la... [More]

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Bibles (3)
"Ignorance of Scripture is ignorance of Christ." – St. Jerome

One Year. 20 Minutes a Day. Encounter the Power and Wonder of God’s Word. It’s a mountaintop experience if you can open up the Word of God. It’s majestic, it’s beautiful, it’s breathtaking. It gets us out of our day-to-day and into God.The simple format of this premium, flexible, leather-bound version of Bible in a Year will keep you engaged as you make your way through all 73 books of t... [More]

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Tu encuentro diario con Dios Con La Biblia en un año: Tu encuentro diario con Dios, ¡podrás leer la Biblia completa en tan solo un año! Está organizada con tres lecturas diarias, una del Antiguo Testamento, una de los Libros Sapienciales y una del Nuevo Testamento, de tal manera que puedas recorrer la Biblia entera. Además, una breve pero profunda reflexión te ayudará a orar y a poner la... [More]

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The newest title in the internationally best-selling "YOUCAT" series for youth and young adults, this outstanding Bible features the creative elements of the best-selling YOUCAT youth catechism and the DOCAT social teaching handbook. It's filled with engaging photos, clever and fun illustrations by YOUCAT's award-winning designer, insightful sidebar quotes from great thinkers, Catholic saints and... [More]

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Go deeper into the Bible than ever before, unlocking the beauty of the Church’s rich scriptural tradition.

Stephen Ray emphasizes that unless we understand the innate “Jewishness” of Christianity and our Old Testament heritage, we will never fully understand our Faith, the Church, or even salvation itself. These are rooted not only in the early Church, but 2000 years before that, in Abraham. With his infectious enthusiasm, Stephen helps us to learn the deep truths of scripture that God taught throu... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.78 based on 58 ratings
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The New Dictatorship and What to Do About ItIn Absolute Relativism: The New Dictatorship and What to Do about It, Chris Stefanick tackles all the tough questions about relativism by showing how bankrupt and impractical it is. Using a down-to-earth, easily accessible question-and-answer format, Absolute Relativism shows that far from being the answer to world peace – or even personal peace of m... [More]

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Click here to see a sample page. To see the text at its true size please view the sample at Actual Size or 100%. Based on the Revised Standard Version—Second Catholic Edition, this volume leads readers through a penetrating study of the Acts of the Apostles. This study guide uses the biblical texts themselves and the Church’s own guidelines for understanding the Bible. Ample notes accompany e... [More]

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Exactly who is the Blessed Virgin Mary? Can you explain her role in God’s plan for the world? Do you fully understand the vital role she plays in your life?While Catholics know Mary is important, many never fully grasp how essential she really is. Now they can. The Bible and the Virgin Mary unveils the mystery of Our Lady that is woven into the fabric of Sacred Scripture.Join author, speaker, an... [More]

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This item is currently out of stock.This comprehensive guide makes it easy for any faithful Catholic to lead an effective study of The Bible and the Virgin Mary, whether at home or in the parish.Walking leaders step-by-step through each lesson, this guide equips them to facilitate, with confidence and clarity, interactions between group members. The guide provides opening and closing prayers, intr... [More]

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The Participant Workbook for The Bible and the Virgin Mary will serve as your companion for the duration of the series, helping you better retain what you’ve learned so that it can more easily be applied to your daily life.Full-color masterpieces painted by brilliant artists like Raphael and Bouguereau capture the eye and, more importantly, move the heart. Inspirational quotes from Scripture, th... [More]

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One Year. 20 Minutes a Day. Encounter the Power and Wonder of God’s Word. It’s a mountaintop experience if you can open up the Word of God. It’s majestic, it’s beautiful, it’s breathtaking. It gets us out of our day-to-day and into God.The simple format of this premium, flexible, leather-bound version of Bible in a Year will keep you engaged as you make your way through all 73 books of t... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.53 based on 15 ratings
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Tu encuentro diario con Dios Con La Biblia en un año: Tu encuentro diario con Dios, ¡podrás leer la Biblia completa en tan solo un año! Está organizada con tres lecturas diarias, una del Antiguo Testamento, una de los Libros Sapienciales y una del Nuevo Testamento, de tal manera que puedas recorrer la Biblia entera. Además, una breve pero profunda reflexión te ayudará a orar y a poner la... [More]

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For well over a hundred years now, many scholars have questioned the historical truth of the Gospels, claiming that they were originally anonymous. Others have even argued that Jesus of Nazareth did not think he was God and never claimed to be divine.In The Case for Jesus, Dr. Brant Pitre, the bestselling author of Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist, goes back to the sources—the bibli... [More]

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Dr. Brant Pitre, scripture scholar and bestselling author, uses biblical and historical evidence to bolster the “case for Jesus” by exposing the problems with the many false theories that have been introduced over the past hundred years resulting in widespread skepticism about the reliability of Christian faith. He tackles head-on questions like: Were the four Gospels written anonymously? Did ... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.74 based on 23 ratings
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Today there is oftentimes a misconception of what the Sacrament of Confirmation is actually for or how it affects our lives. In this talk, Dr. Brant Pitre invites us to better understand the tremendous graces and calling received through this sacrament. He points to various passages in scripture which provide a historical foundation and, through bold witness, challenges us to willingly surrender o... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.38 based on 13 ratings
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Dr. John Bergsma is an Associate Professor of Theology at Franciscan University of Steubenville, and was a Protestant pastor for four years before converting to the Catholic Church. In this enlightening talk, Dr. Bergsma shows how our respect for the traditional canon of Scripture, as well as our understanding of the Catholic Faith, can be greatly enhanced by the Dead Sea Scrolls- the greatest arc... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.56 based on 45 ratings
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Pornography has become pervasive in our culture - a true plague, infecting nearly every corner of our society. Its disastrous effects are seen in sexual addiction, ruined marriages, and shattered lives. Jeff Cavins notes that many men struggle with pornography. With great insight, he shows how we can fight pornography's devastating influence and chart a course to true Christian purity. This tal... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.50 based on 22 ratings
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Click here to read book sample. Movies such as Risen and books such as Bill O'Reilly's Killing Jesus raise questions about what really happened to the crucified body of Jesus of Nazareth. Using a popular question-and-answer format, Carl Olson examines the historical evidence concerning Jesus's controversial fate. • Did Jesus really die on the Cross? If so, what became of his body? Was it st... [More]

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Dr. Timothy Gray is the president of the Augustine Institute and is a well-known scripture scholar and Catholic speaker. With his eloquent style and polished delivery, Dr. Gray expounds upon the teachings of the Catholic Church surrounding social justice in light of sacred scripture. Discover how social justice in regards to the poor is not one small piece in the puzzle but instead really frames t... [More]

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Order by April 15, 2019 to get 20% off during our Lent and Easter promotion!Retail Price for 1 CD: $5.50 Sale Price for 1 CD: $4.40  Bishop Robert Barron, one of the great spiritual teachers of our time, presents these biblical stories of true conversion drawing from the riches of scriptural accounts. They were people just like you and me who were called by Christ - Bartimaeus, The Man... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.63 based on 24 ratings
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Well-known Catholic theologian Dr. Scott Hahn explains Christ's Paschal Sacrifice on the cross as the fulfillment of the traditional fourth cup used in the celebration of the Jewish Passover meal. He draws a symbolic parallel to the Last Supper and Christ's death on Calvary. Through his scholarly insights and important biblical connections, Mass will come alive for you as never before!

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Average Rating: 4.84 based on 98 ratings
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In this Christmas themed presentation, Fr. Shannon Collins sheds new light on the biblical narratives of the birth of Jesus Christ, as well as the beautiful Christmas traditions of the Church. Fr. Collins serves as a preacher of parish missions and retreat master. Fr. Collins has appeared on EWTN and has been stationed at the Shrine of the Most Blessed Sacrament in Hanceville Alabama.

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If we want to love God and make him the center of our lives, we would do well to settle this question at least in some small way. This book serves as a starting point for understanding what Christians mean when they say “God,” and to whom they are referring when they use this name. Part of the What Every Catholic Should Know series, God: What Every Catholic Should Know is born out of the recog... [More]

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If we want to love God and make him the center of our lives, we would do well to settle this question at least in some small way. This book serves as a starting point for understanding what Christians mean when they say “God,” and to whom they are referring when they use this name. Part of the What Every Catholic Should Know series, God: What Every Catholic Should Know is born out of the recog... [More]

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Click here to see a sample page. To see the text at its true size please view the sample at Actual Size or 100%. Based on the Revised Standard Version – Catholic Edition, this book leads readers through a penetrating study of the Gospel of John, using the biblical text itself and the Church's own guidelines for understanding the Bible. Ample notes accompany each page, providing fresh insights a... [More]

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Click here to see a sample page. To see the text at its true size please view the sample at Actual Size or 100%. Based on the Revised Standard Version – Catholic Edition, this book leads readers through a penetrating study of the Gospel of Luke, using the biblical text itself and the Church's own guidelines for understanding the Bible. Ample notes accompany each page, providing fresh insights... [More]

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Click here to see a sample page. To see the text at its true size please view the sample at Actual Size or 100%. Based on the Revised Standard Version – Catholic Edition, this book leads readers through a penetrating study of the Gospel of Mark, using the biblical text itself and the Church's own guidelines for understanding the Bible. Ample notes accompany each page, providing fresh insights... [More]

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Click here to see a sample page. To see the text at its true size please view the sample at Actual Size or 100%. Based on the Revised Standard Version – Catholic Edition, this book leads readers through a penetrating study of the Gospel of Matthew, using the biblical text itself and the Church's own guidelines for understanding the Bible. Ample notes accompany each page, providing fresh insig... [More]

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This enlightening talk traces the high adventure of God's Divine Love Story revealed through the seven covenants that span from Eden to Calvary, beginning with Adam and culminating with Jesus. This presentation is the fruit of Monsignor Deutsch's studies during his sabbatical at Franciscan University of Steubenville, where he learned from scholars such as Dr. Scott Hahn and Dr. John Bergsma.

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Average Rating: 4.58 based on 26 ratings
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Women are called to be incredible models of the faith even when it can be difficult to see that quality within themselves. Join Rachel Bulman as she dives into the deep to guide women through their faith while exploring the life of St. Mary Magdalene.  

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THIS ITEM IS CURRENTLY OUT OF STOCK. From best-selling author of Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist Dr. Brant Pitre comes this new book examining the Blessed Virgin Mary in a whole new way. Using his in-depth knowledge of the Bible and ancient Judaism, Dr. Pitre uses his familiar voice to answer important questions about the Biblical understanding of Mary and the Church's teaching on he... [More]

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Dr. Brant Pitre uses the Hebrew Scriptures and Jewish tradition to frame the actions of Jesus at the Last Supper, and to provide a fresh look at the heart of Catholic practice — the Eucharist. By taking us back to the Jewish roots of our faith, Dr. Pitre gives us a powerful lens through which to see anew the bread of the presence, the manna, the Last Supper, and ultimately the meaning of the Euc... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.69 based on 59 ratings
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In this bold, momentous work, Joseph Ratzinger—in his first book written after he became Pope—seeks to salvage the person of Jesus from recent “popular” depictions and to restore Jesus’ true identity as discovered in the Gospels. Through his brilliance as a theologian and his personal conviction as a believer, the Pope shares a rich, compelling, flesh-and-blood portrait of Jesus and in... [More]

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The momentous third and final volume in the Pope's international bestselling Jesus of Nazareth series details the stories of Jesus' infancy and boyhood, and how they are relevant today in the modern world. As the Pope wrote in volume two of this series, he attempts to "develop a way of observing and listening to the Jesus of the Gospels that can indeed lead to the personal encounter and that, thro... [More]

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Based on his best-selling book, Dr. Scott Hahn reveals the early Christians' key to understanding the Mass: the Book of Revelation. With its bizarre imagery, mystic visions of Heaven, and end-times prophecies, it mirrors the sacrifice and celebration of the Holy Eucharist. See the Mass with new eyes, pray the Liturgy with a renewed heart, and enter into the Mass more fully and enthusiastically!

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Average Rating: 4.73 based on 105 ratings
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Clergy scandals, marriage and family life under attack, growing secularism, a world angry and confused. Augustine Institute President Dr. Tim Gray explains why he believes that “we are entering an age that is similar to the age of the early Church.” He outlines the goals of Vatican II and the critical vocation of the laity in the renewal of the Church and the salvation of the world. “To be a... [More]

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Average Rating: 1.50 based on 2 ratings
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THIS TALK IS ONLY AVAILABLE AS AN MP3. Have you ever tried to read the Bible but didn’t really know how or where to start? In this talk, Mark Hart beautifully explains how to read, meditate on, and bring to life the Sacred Scriptures through a technique called, "Lectio Divina." Find out how this form of prayer can help you enter into a deeper and more prayerful experience with the Lord.

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In this informative presentation, Dr. Tim Gray, Augustine Institute President, shares how Lectio Prayer enables you to enter into a dialogue with God. This prayerful reading of Sacred Scripture is a proven means to encounter God in daily life and will benefit those new to prayer and the more experienced alike.This talk was formerly titled Lectio Divina

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Average Rating: 4.80 based on 10 ratings
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Order by January 8 to get 20% off during our Christmas promotion! Retail Price: 124.95 Sale Price: 99.96  This leader kit includes everything a leader needs to present Lectio: Mark to a group, whether in a parish or at home. This package includes all fourteen episodes of Lectio Mark: Faith Not Fear on four DVDs, plus a comprehensive Leader's Guide (which includes complete Study... [More]

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The Leader's Guide is the key to facilitating an effective group study of Lectio Mark: Faith Not Fear. Engaging and accessible, this Lectio: Mark Leader’s Guide presents practical help to make the most of adult faith formation in any size study group.  Click here for a sample of the Leader Guide. Easy to use, with step-by-step instructions, you’ll have the tools you need to bring the richne... [More]

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Beautifully and thoughtfully crafted, this personal study guide leads you deeper into the study of Lectio Mark: Faith Not Fear with Dr. Tim Gray and provides you with over 200 pages of impactful content.  Engaging and accessible, this 232 page study guide includes:  – the lectio divina approach for each session  – penetrating questions and insights for the fourte... [More]

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Be sure to get the full experience of Lectio: Mark with this Participant Kit including the DVD box set and the corresponding Study Guide.  Click here to watch a sample of Lectio Mark: Faith Not Fear. Click here for a sample of the Study Guide.  Is the Gospel of Mark only a “condensed” version of the life of Christ? What does it have to offer us that the Gospels of Matthew, Lu... [More]

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The Lectio Mary: The Bible and the Mother of God Leader’s Resource Guide presents practical help to make the most of adult faith formation in any size study group. Easy to use, with step-by-step instructions, you’ll have the tools you need to bring the richness of the Bible, Church Tradition and History to life through: - Study Guide content including prayers, video outlines, and discussion qu... [More]

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Simon Peter: a poor fisherman, an impetuous follower, a bungling disciple, and the cornerstone of Catholicism.Join Dr. Tim Gray—gifted Scripture scholar, internationally acclaimed author, and President of the Augustine Institute—on a biblical voyage unlike any other. In this first installment of Lectio Unveiling Scripture and Tradition, Dr. Gray takes us on an intensive journey into the life o... [More]

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The Leader's Guide is the key to facilitating an effective group study of Peter: Cornerstone of Catholicism. Created to help you lead others deeper into Scripture, this comprehensive resource for leaders presents practical help to make the most of adult faith formation with your study group.  Click here for a sample of the Leader Guide. With easy-to-use, step-by-step instructions, your g... [More]

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Be sure to get the full experience of Lectio Peter with this special kit that includes the DVD set (ten episodes on five DVDs) and the corresponding Study Guide.  Click here for a sample of the Study Guide. Peter: Cornerstone of Catholicism offers a fascinating, in-depth study series on the life and meaning of St. Peter. Bringing together biblical stories, historical knowledge, solid Chu... [More]

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The Study Guide for Peter: Cornerstone of Catholicism is the key to getting the full Lectio experience. This powerful resource was created to lead you deeper into Scripture as you read, reflect, and respond. Click here for a sample of the Study Guide. Beautifully and thoughtfully crafted, this personal Study Guide leads you deeper into the study of St. Peter and provides you with over 200 pag... [More]

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Towards the end of his life, under arrest and awaiting trial in Rome, Saint Paul writes a short but powerful letter to the Philippians. Paul’s affection for the Christian community at Philippi is apparent from his opening words. The Philippians were not only Paul’s sons and daughters in the Faith but also his partners in sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. At the heart of this letter is Paul... [More]

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 This Leader Kit includes everything a leader needs to present Lectio: Philippians to a group, whether in a parish or at home. This package includes all six episodes of Philippians: Life in Christ on three DVDs, plus a comprehensive Leader’s Guide (which includes complete Study Guide content). Click here for a sample of the 160-page Leader Guide. Click here for a sample of the 112-page Study... [More]

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Engaging and accessible, this Philippians: Life in Christ Leader’s Guide presents practical help to make the most of adult faith formation in any size study group. Easy to use, with step-by-step instructions, you’ll have the tools you need to bring the richness of the Bible, Church Tradition, and history to life. Click here for a sample of the Leader’s Guide. This Leader’s Guide includes... [More]

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Be sure to get the full experience of Lectio: Philippians with this Participant Kit including the DVD box set (six episodes on three DVDs) and the corresponding Study Guide. Click here for a sample of the Study Guide. In Philippians: Life in Christ, Dr. Tim Gray combines insight and practical guidance using the lectio divina disciplines. The Scriptures come alive through high quality video prese... [More]

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At every Sunday Mass, Catholics confess that Jesus came down from heaven “for us men and for our salvation.” But what does “salvation” mean? In this remarkable 10-part video study program, Scripture scholar and theologian Michael Patrick Barber provides a thorough, deeply Catholic, and deeply biblical, answer. Based on the best-selling book Salvation: What Every Catholic Should Know, thi... [More]

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At every Sunday Mass, Catholics confess that Jesus came down from heaven “for us men and for our salvation.” But what does “salvation” mean? In this remarkable 10-part video study program, Scripture scholar and theologian Michael Patrick Barber provides a thorough, deeply Catholic, and deeply biblical, answer. Based on the best-selling book Salvation: What Every Catholic Should Know, thi... [More]

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At every Sunday Mass, Catholics confess that Jesus came down from heaven “for us men and for our salvation.” But what does “salvation” mean? In this remarkable 10-part video study program, Scripture scholar and theologian Michael Patrick Barber provides a thorough, deeply Catholic, and deeply biblical, answer. Based on the best-selling book Salvation: What Every Catholic Should Know, thi... [More]

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At every Sunday Mass, Catholics confess that Jesus came down from heaven “for us men and for our salvation.” But what does “salvation” mean? In this remarkable 10-part video study program, Scripture scholar and theologian Michael Patrick Barber provides a thorough, deeply Catholic, and deeply biblical, answer. Based on the best-selling book Salvation: What Every Catholic Should Know, thi... [More]

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At every Sunday Mass, Catholics confess that Jesus came down from heaven “for us men and for our salvation.” But what does “salvation” mean? In this remarkable 10-part video study program, Scripture scholar and theologian Michael Patrick Barber provides a thorough, deeply Catholic, and deeply biblical, answer. Based on the best-selling book Salvation: What Every Catholic Should Know, thi... [More]

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¿Estás siguiendo a Jesús ‘por el camino’? El miedo es tan poderoso que puede paralizarnos, o peor aún, hacernos dar la espalda a los lugares, cosas y personas que son verdaderamente importantes. San Pedro sabía esto muy bien, por eso en el Evangelio de San Marcos entendemos que solo la fe en Jesús nos puede liberar para siempre, tal y como lo hizo con los primeros discípulos. Acompa... [More]

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 ¿Estás siguiendo a Jesús ‘por el camino’?¿Es el Evangelio de San Marcos solamente una versión reducida de la vida de Jesús? ¿Qué nos ofrece este, el más corto de todos los evangelios, que Mateo, Lucas o Juan no ofrecen? Acompaña a Luis Soto en esta serie de 10 episodios, totalmente en español, para profundizar en el conocimiento del Evangelio de San Marcos, como nunca antes lo... [More]

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¿Estás siguiendo a Jesús ‘por el camino’? El miedo es tan poderoso que puede paralizarnos, o peor aún, hacernos dar la espalda a los lugares, cosas y personas que son verdaderamente importantes. San Pedro sabía esto muy bien, por eso en el Evangelio de San Marcos entendemos que solo la fe en Jesús nos puede liberar para siempre, tal y como lo hizo con los primeros discípulos. Acompa... [More]

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Order by January 8 to get 20% off during our Christmas promotion! Retail Price: 124.95 Sale Price: 99.96  ¿Estás siguiendo a Jesús ‘por el camino’?¿Es el Evangelio de San Marcos solamente una versión reducida de la vida de Jesús? ¿Qué nos ofrece este, el más corto de todos los evangelios, que Mateo, Lucas o Juan no ofrecen? Acompaña a Luis Soto en esta serie de 10 episodios, total... [More]

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¿Estás siguiendo a Jesús ‘por el camino’? ¿Es el Evangelio de San Marcos solamente una versión reducida de la vida de Jesús? ¿Qué nos ofrece este, el más corto de todos los evangelios, que Mateo, Lucas o Juan no ofrecen? Acompaña a Luis Soto en esta serie de 10 episodios, totalmente en español, para profundizar en el conocimiento del Evangelio de San Marcos, como nunca antes lo hab... [More]

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This is the August CDOM. The mp3 is available now and the CD will be available at the end of the month.For many, Leviticus is a strange and difficult book of the Old Testament. As the third book of the Torah, Leviticus lies at the heart of the Law of Moses, and to truly understand it is to unlock a key to relationship with God. Join Biblical scholar Dr. Mark Giszczak as he takes you on a fascinati... [More]

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Dr. Ray Guarendi shares his story of how logic led him home to the Catholic Church. He found out that, contrary to his Protestant misunderstandings, the Church is coherent and never contradicts herself. Dr. Ray explains how the answers to his objections to Catholicism were both Biblical and believed by the earliest Christians. Explore the logic that led him to the fullness of truth.

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C.S. Lewis' Mere Christianity is a work that has impacted generations of Christians. It is a brilliant explanation and defense of the Faith that has led many to follow in the way of Christ. But as profound and wise as it is, it is still incomplete. It gives direction for a sincere disciple to follow Christ, but that disciple might not be quite as willing to follow Christ through St. Peter. This ... [More]

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Click here to see a sample. This Revised Standard Version Second Catholic Edition Bible brings together all of the books of the New Testament and the penetrating study tools developed by renowned Bible teachers Dr. Scott Hahn and Curtis Mitch, presenting the written Word of God in a highly readable, accurate translation.

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Renowned Scripture scholar and author, Dr. Tim Gray, provides a fascinating explanation of the importance of the visible Church and the centrality of God on Earth. He offers incredible insights that make clear the role of the Church as an essential part of God’s plan for salvation, which are sure to help those who have left her, or who mistakenly claim to be “spiritual, but not religious.”Th... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.91 based on 23 ratings
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Christ is Risen! He is Risen Indeed! Amid crisis, scandal, and confusion in the modern world, where does the good news of the Resurrection and God's endless mercy fit in? In these three homilies—on The Easter Vigil, Divine Mercy Sunday, and Pentecost—priest and pastor Fr. Brian Larkin shares stories and insights, including from G.K. Chesterton, George Weigel, St. John Paul II, St. Faustina Kow... [More]

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Come to grips with “what really happened to Jesus” as Dr. Steven Smith explores Resurrection narratives from the vantage point of each of the four Gospels as well as many of the vital medical details of Roman crucifixion. Dr. Steven Smith is a professor of Sacred Scripture at Mount Saint Mary's Seminary, in Emmitsburg, Maryland. Dr. Smith earned his Ph.D from Loyola University in Chicago,... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.73 based on 11 ratings
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Scholars often have questioned how much the New Testament can tell us about the Mother of Jesus. After all, Mary appears only in a few accounts and speaks on limited occasions. Can Scripture really support the many Marian beliefs developed in the Church over time? In Rethinking Mary in the New Testament, Dr. Edward Sri shows that the Bible reveals more about Mary than is commonly appreciated. For ... [More]

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At every Sunday Mass, Catholics confess that Jesus came down from heaven “for us men and for our salvation.” But what does “salvation” mean? In this robust and accessible book, Scripture scholar and theologian Michael Patrick Barber provides a thorough, deeply Catholic, and deeply biblical, answer. He deftly tackles this complex topic, unpacking what the New Testament teaches about salvati... [More]

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At every Sunday Mass, Catholics confess that Jesus came down from heaven “for us men and for our salvation.” But what does “salvation” mean? In this robust and accessible book, Scripture scholar and theologian Michael Patrick Barber provides a thorough, deeply Catholic, and deeply biblical, answer. He deftly tackles this complex topic, unpacking what the New Testament teaches about salvati... [More]

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For Catholics, the Mass is entirely familiar, but often not well understood. Scripture scholar and well-known author Dr. Edward Sri takes listeners on a journey through the sacred liturgy that is sure to help Catholics experience the Mass more fully as the most powerful and important prayer of the Church. Dr. Sri examines the historical and biblical roots of the words, prayers, actions, and gestur... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.67 based on 12 ratings
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Dr. Scott Hahn, beloved Catholic author, professor, and speaker celebrates the touchstones of Catholic life, guiding readers to a deeper faith through the Church’s rites, customs, and traditional prayers. This thorough and yet approachable guide to Catholic practices unveils the deep scriptural roots of our faith to help us better understand and, consequently, cherish our Catholic identity. Whe... [More]

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In this informative and dynamic presentation, Dr. Scott Hahn guides us to a deeper faith through the Old Testament historical roots that underlie Catholic beliefs and practices. Dr. Hahn clears up common misconceptions about specific liturgical rituals and traditions, and responds thoughtfully to the objections raised about them.

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Average Rating: 4.68 based on 37 ratings
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"David Currie ha escrito lo que puede llegar a ser la obra más importante sobre el dificil tema de los evangélicos que son recibidos en la Iglesia Católica." –Thomas Howard, Autor de Evangelical Is Not Enough David Currie creció en una familia cristiana devota en la que su padre era predicador fundamentalista y, junto a su madre, era también profesor del Instituto Bíblico Moody (Moody Bib... [More]

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El Padre Ángel Espinosa de los Monteros, Legionario de Cristo, nació en Puebla, México. Desde que se ordenó Sacerdote, en noviembre de 1994, ha trabajado como orientador juvenil y después como orientador familiar en México, Colombia, Italia, y Francia. En esta charla, nos explica los peligros de hacer un dios a nuestra medida y a nuestros gustos; que se acomode a nuestros caprichos. El Padre... [More]

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Películas como Risen y libros como Killing Jesus de Bill O’Reilly, plantean preguntas sobre lo que realmente le sucedió al Cuerpo crucificado de Jesús de Nazaret. Carl Olson, haciendo uso del formato popular de preguntas y respuestas, examina la evidencia histórica con respecto al destino controversial de Jesús.Seas creyente, escéptico o un poco de ambos, prepárate a enfrentar un reto... [More]

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“In giving themselves to others each day women fulfill their deepest vocation.” Inspired by the insights of St. John Paul II, Sr. Maris Stella, S.V. delivers this important talk on woman's gift and vocation of spiritual motherhood. “All women are called to this,” she says, “regardless of her age or marital status... our world needs maternal love.” Sr. Maris Stella dives deeply into th... [More]

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Dr. Christopher Mooney is an assistant Professor of Theology at the Augustine Institute. He specializes in Augustinian Theology and delivers this talk focusing on St. Augustine and his writings about the Eucharist. What did St. Augustine preach during his homilies about the Eucharist? What exactly is the Eucharist? Why do we say “Amen” after receiving the Eucharist at mass? Join Dr. Christophe... [More]

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This easy-to-use companion study guide helps the readers who approach Joseph Ratzinger/Pope Benedict XVI’s Jesus of Nazareth: From the Baptism in the Jordan to the Transfiguration without the benefit of extensive theological or biblical training. The goal is not to replace Benedict’s book but to make it more accessible, more fruitful for the average reader—whether lay, religious, priest or d... [More]

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This study guide contains a foreword by Tim Gray, Ph.D., chapter summaries and outlines by Mark Brumley and Curtis Mitch, and study questions by Mark Brumley and Laura Dittus! A user-friendly aid for readers of Pope Benedict XVI's Jesus of Nazareth: Holy Week: From the Entrance into Jerusalem to the Resurrection, this Study Guide is excellent for individual or group study, for formal class instru... [More]

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VIEW A SAMPLE“I finally understand the Catholic faith!” That's what many around the world say after watching the acclaimed Symbolon series: The Explanation of the Catholic Faith. Now, the series host and renowned author Edward Sri takes us through the key aspects of the Catholic faith with the same clarity and beauty that he did in the video documentary, answering common questions, such as:... [More]

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Join Dr. Michael Patrick Barber as he discusses the true meaning of Christmas, and what that means for us as Catholics during this holy season. Through biblical evidence and deep reflection, he reveals the connections between the mystery of Christ’s birth and the modern-day traditions of the mass. Listen to this presentation to discover more insight into the real reason for the Christmas season.... [More]

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Truth in our time has become relativized, dependent on one's own subjective feelings. But throughout all of history, God’s truth has remained constant and unchanged. In this talk, Noelle Garcia urges us to follow our faith and to live our lives according to the truth. God’s word has power and because of this, we can live just, truthful, and holy lives.

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Ken Hensley, a well-known Catholic speaker, teacher, and author, provides an insightful perspective on Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation from his vantage point as a former Baptist minister. Referencing Luther’s writings and his own conversion story, Ken clearly shows the theological and practical flaws of sola Scriptura and other teachings promulgated by the sixteenth-century reformer... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.70 based on 10 ratings
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Once a militant opponent of the Catholic Church, Dr. Scott Hahn highlights the key misunderstandings people have about the Eucharist. In this powerful presentation, he explains the Church's teaching from a scriptural and historical perspective in an entertaining and thorough fashion.

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Average Rating: 4.84 based on 32 ratings
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Joseph Pearce, a prolific writer best known for his outstanding literary biographies, reveals in detail how J.R.R. Tolkien’s famous work, The Lord of the Rings, is at its core a Catholic work. Through linguistic clues and analysis of its characters, he explains the spiritual and theological depth of this masterpiece of English literature. With humor and clarity, Joseph shows the brilliance of To... [More]

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Out of stock ETA: to be determined The Lord's Prayer is the centerpiece of the most famous sermon ever preached - the Sermon on the Mount. The Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches that this prayer "is truly the summary of the whole Gospel." Blending scripture with the incredible insights of the early Church Fathers, Dr. Scott Hahn helps us discover the critical importance of this prayer in ... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.78 based on 32 ratings
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Dr. Michael Barber, host for Reasons for Faith Live on EWTN, is Professor of Theology and Scripture at John Paul the Great Catholic University. In this exciting presentation, he reveals the deep treasures hidden in the Apocalypse, demonstrating the practical implications for living in today's modern world. When is Jesus coming? Listen and discover the surprising truth!

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Average Rating: 4.77 based on 30 ratings
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Drawing on his roots as a Protestant minister, Dr. Scott Hahn responds to key misunderstandings about the Virgin Mary. This captivating presentation explains the biblical and historical basis for the Church's teachings that the Virgin Mary is the New Eve and the Queen of Heaven.

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Average Rating: 4.67 based on 52 ratings
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Advent is a time for patience and awaiting the coming of the Lord. While waiting may be difficult to do, Dr. Prothro explains that it is the best way to prepare and what God truly wants from us during this time.  Patience is the penance that we need in order to fully prepare for God and this holy season. This exciting new talk explores different ways that we can prepare our hearts for the com... [More]

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Were the gospels really written by Matthew, Mark, Luke and John or are the authors anonymous? Did the stories come to us through some sort of “telephone game” or by way of eye witnesses? It is vital to address the debate over anonymous gospels. If we don’t know who wrote the gospels, then how reliable are the stories written about Jesus? Can we look at the gospels as legitimate historical so... [More]

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Get Salvation: What Every Catholic Should Know, Literature: What Every Catholic Should Know, and God: What Every Catholic Should Know for one low price! About Salvation: What Every Catholic Should Know At every Sunday Mass, Catholics confess that Jesus came down from heaven “for us men and for our salvation.” But what does “salvation” mean? In this robust and accessible book, Scripture... [More]

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Get Salvation: What Every Catholic Should Know, Literature: What Every Catholic Should Know, and God: What Every Catholic Should Know for one low price! About Salvation: What Every Catholic Should Know At every Sunday Mass, Catholics confess that Jesus came down from heaven “for us men and for our salvation.” But what does “salvation” mean? In this robust and accessible book, Scripture... [More]

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Have you ever been asked where Catholic beliefs can be found in the bible? Here is a crash course in history proving that the bible is a Catholic book. Matthew Arnold offers convincing evidence showing that the Church has faithfully proclaimed and preserved the fullness of God's Word down through the centuries. This will provide all the facts you need.

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Average Rating: 4.58 based on 31 ratings
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In this moving study on hell, Dr. Scott Hahn shares what scripture teaches about why hell is necessary. What it is like? Who goes there? How can you stay out forever? He explains why Lucifer refused to serve and then responds from a scriptural perspective to the most seductive modern errors about hell. Included are two bonus excerpts from Dr. Hahn's talk, The Healing Power of Confession.

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To win any war, there are three things that you must know: that you are at war, who your enemy is, and what weapons or strategies can defeat him. Acknowledging that our culture is clearly in crisis, Dr. Peter Kreeft shows us that the only weapon strong enough to defeat the demons of this age is saints. Above all, Dr. Kreeft assures us that victory is assured for those who hope in Christ, because g... [More]

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Average Rating: 4.51 based on 47 ratings
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In this talk—Part 2 of a special two-part Lighthouse Talks presentation—Augustine Institute professor Dr. Ben Akers continues his meditative reflection on Mary’s role in Scripture, weaving together the stories of the Fall and Jesus’ Passion and Resurrection. Dr. Akers also provides illuminating answers to thoughtful questions from the audience. “The Fall happened through eating forbidd... [More]

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The newest title in the internationally best-selling "YOUCAT" series for youth and young adults, this outstanding Bible features the creative elements of the best-selling YOUCAT youth catechism and the DOCAT social teaching handbook. It's filled with engaging photos, clever and fun illustrations by YOUCAT's award-winning designer, insightful sidebar quotes from great thinkers, Catholic saints and... [More]

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Click here to read a sample of the book. Peter Kreeft uses Scripture to provide God’s profound answers to the most common and important questions young people ask about the deeper meaning of life, their own identities, overcoming failure and temptation, the mystery of God’s love, and much more. But these are questions asked not just by the young—they are the same questions adults often... [More]

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